May 26th, 2015



Characters: Loki [info]thorblocked + Thor Odinson [info]norseman.
Location: In the streets by the apartment assigned to him.
Time: 26 May, evening.
Warnings: TBA.
Summary: Arrival.
Status: Closed, ongoing.

As he walked, he left an aggravated and broken line of frost in his wake… )



Who: Phryne Fisher & Hestia Jones
Where: A coffee shop
What: Phryne and Hestia meet for the first time
Rating: Lowish
Status: Incomplete

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Characters: Richie Gecko [info]lockartist + OPEN.
Location: Sulking around in shaded areas.
Time: 26 May, midday.
Warnings: Language and sour attitude.
Summary: Avoiding the sun, being aggravated.
Status: OPEN, ongoing.

The problem? It was the sunniest fucking day ever and Richie has been sitting in this bus stop for about twenty minutes. )