April 20th, 2015



Who: Riddick [info]riddickr & Rebekah Mikaelson [info]crazyauntbex
What: Do alien creatures need shots?
When: Friday, April 10, approximately closing time for the Animal Shelter
Where: Animal Shelter
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Riddick which means language stuff and possibly violence and oh yeah, Bex Mikaelson is a vampire.
Status: Closed/Completed GDdoc

What you think, doc? Do alien creatures need shots? )



Who: Hansel [info]hans & Steve Rogers [info]kidfrombrooklyn
What: Not any kind of morning run Hansel has ever seen.
When: Morning, Monday, April 6, right after dawn
Where: Outside Hope Springs Apartments
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Foul Language? Captain America and a Witch Hunter!
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

What in Hell's chasing you? Get down and I'll get a shot in, I guarantee you that! )



Who: Hansel [info]hans & Maleficent [info]moorguardian
What: A cemetery stroll.
When: Friday, April 10, nearing midnight
Where: Test City Cemetery
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Maybe some foul language at best. Possibly threats of violence. Very likely it's a mostly peaceful encounter.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

I'd say you were a witch and shoot you, but you haven't attacked yet so I figure we're both minding our own. )