Not Honest: An Original RPG

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May 22nd, 2008

submissiveangel @ 11:39 pm: A dinner date...
Who: Isabel, Vincent, Sam and Cassie
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Petrus

Petrus. Isabel never looked at the menus here. She simply let Vincent order what he wanted to and she'd eat pretty much anything that was put in front of her. Tonight, it was a bounty of sumptuous foods and wines until she was filled to nearly stuffing. Still, Vincent insisted on her eating more until she protested that she was about to burst.

She'd had absolutely no doubt that Vincent could afford the lavish dinner he'd ordered and had placed in front of them, but she had a doubt that she'd be able to consume even a fourth of what he'd wanted her to eat. She knew that he didn't quite like her as skinny as she was now, but attempting to pack all of it on overnight was just reckless.

Giving Vincent a soft smile, she raised the fine linen napkin to her lips and wiped them before she spoke. "I'll be right back darling, I need to stretch my legs..." she gave a pointed look to the bathroom and slowly stood. Glancing across the restaurant, she caught sight of a dark head of hair and narrowed her eyes just so. There was a familiar feeling to the man sitting at the table with the lovely blond.

Ah yes. That was it. Infernal. Pursing her lips, Isabel left the table and headed to the ladies' room, glancing back once before she disappeared.

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March 24th, 2008

oldestbeloved @ 08:36 pm: Maybe he should go into prostitution. Running prostitutes, of course, not prostituting himself.

Some of the talent he signed on certainly were little better than prostitutes. They needed so little encouragement to slut themselves out for the sake of their label, their song, whatever happened to be hot at the moment. There were a few who knew what they were doing and simply didn't care, didn't fool themselves.

And then there were people like Percy. In an ideal world, Sam would have been able to keep Percy in the basement and visit him whenever he felt the urge. Alas. This was not an ideal world.

Still, Percy was on his leash, and he liked that.

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