Not Honest: An Original RPG

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May 13th, 2008

gothichippy @ 11:41 pm: Stocking the new flat
Who: Damien and Raven
Where: Somewhere on the streets
When: Just about dusk

Damien headed back to his apartment--no, not apartment, FLAT!-with several grocery bags in hand. As skinny as he looked it was a wonder he managed to keep them all in his grip. He had a skull cap pulled down over his curly hair, which was currently just short of his shoulders, green eyes glittering brightly beneath the heavy dark liner he wore. His skinny form was wrapped in a long sleeved shirt, a tattered black suit jacket which had lyrics written all over it in white pen and a scarf just for looks.

He hummed a song to himself as he moved through the setting night, glancing to his dark purple jeans wondering if he could somehow manage to free enough of a hand to pull a cigarette from his pocket and get it to his lips without losing all his bags. Squinting one eye, he tried to calculate the distance from where he was to his new apartment--FLAT!--and if his need for nicotine would hold out that long. "You can do it," he murmured brightly to himself. "Get home, put the grub away, have tea and a smoke." His voice was soft, a cheery almost musical tenor.

Current Mood: cheerful
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