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Monday, December 8th, 2008

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    Calling All Cedrics!
    Hey guys! If this isn't allowed, just let me know. I'm all about the peace and cooperation. 8D

    Anyway, I'm one third of the mod team over at the wonderfully wonderful and awesomely awesome RPG [info]one2ndchance here on IJ. We're AU, post-war/post-warts set in 2000. We're a spin-off from another game that ended early last year, but we ourselves are almost two years strong. But don't worry! We have a very detailed FAQ section, and many players (including myself) have been around since the very beginning and will be happy to answer any questions you have. There is no risk of us dying off.

    Well, I play Cho over there (you can read about her here; I also play Tonks and Ernie Macmillan) and she would absolutely love to have a Cedric to banter with and love! Wait, what? Yes. The original mod of the game we spun-off from said that she would not be opposed to someone playing Cedric if they could come up with a good reason for why he is now alive. You can read about that here.

    What we have and don't have )

    She's a lot little angry at Cedric right now because he keeps up and leaving (aka we keep losing our Cedric players for some reason... someone needs to break the curse!) for chunks of time every so often. But, give her some time, she'll forgive him eventually. She always does.

    Well, that's it, folks! Talk to me at rubberbandtheory on AIM, or PM me for my MSN, if you have any questions!

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