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Monday, January 14th, 2008

    Time Event
    Murphy's Law Valentine Challenge!
    I originally posted this on LJ's TwoSeekers Harry/Cedric community, so I had that pairing in mind, but if anybody wants to take this and run with it for a different Cedric pairing, feel free. :-)

    The Murphy's Law Anti-Romance Valentine Challenge
    "If something can go wrong, it will." Sometimes a little anti-Romance is fun. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pen a story in which one boy or the other makes [grand?] plans, but things don't go accordingly. The direction you take it is entirely up to you -- it can be serious, funny, angsty, romantic, silly, canon-compliant or AU, long or short, with them as boys or as adults -- they might not even be making plans with each other! The only absolute rule is that things can't work out, at least not in the way intended. And I should add to this, I don't mean some minor problem like getting the meeting time mixed up ... unless that leads to a subsequent chain reaction like Joe Diffie's hysterical "Third Rock from the Sun." ;>

    STORIES DUE ON VALENTINE'S DAY. If you finish before that, just hold on to them; I'll post a reminder or two in case people worry they might forget. :-)

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