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Nov. 2nd, 2010



Okay, so I can see by the FUROR OF ACTIVITY that everyone is EAGER AND EXCITED ABOUT THIS RP? Oh, okay.


There has not been overly large amounts of interest in the Intel Game, except by parties unrelated to the actual game. No biggie. I'm going to nudge at people to night to come take a look at this post and once we've seen who is still around, I shall do a name pick for some lucky bastard to stumble across the Intel. Cause why the hell not? It'll give you something to do.

That said, there's plenty of OTHER stuff to do, but I don't think people are really talking to each other. SO. LETS FIX THAT.

1) Come into the IRC - Directions are here - and chat. Talk about your character. Ask other people to do a scene with you. BRAINSTORM.

2) Leave a comment here with ideas you'd like to try out, plot points you'd like to work towards, whatever. These can be for your character or suggestions for the game in general or whatever. I don't care how stupid or small or whatever you might think they are, post 'em up. Last game I was in we got large amounts of character development out of a stupid zombie storyline, so you never know what could happen.

As an example, for RED Engineer I would like to:

- Have him get high with [info]bobombmarley
- Have things go horribly awry with his top secret engineer projects (hint: it's a mini-Gundam)
- Have him get laid OR have him fail miserably at trying to get laid, either is amusing to me
- Force [info]likeadoctor to watch anime with him (although he'll happily do the same with anyone else who accidentally shows even the slightest amount of interest.)

If you would like to help with these goals, drop me a line. If you would like to HINDER these goals, STILL drop me a line, cause that's funny too. I like it when my characters fail, it gives them something to complain about in their journal and gives them something to overcome.

3) If you like to play ~in private~ over AIM or something, I'm down for that. I've been terribly lazy about keeping track of them, but if you'd like to make your AIM name available to other players, leave a comment on the player roster and I'll update your info accordingly, so that people can contact you that way. For the record, I'm NeevKhushrenada on AIM and you can message me whenever you want, I'm pretty much always up for playing.

4) Oh, and everyone make sure they have POOSHED LEETLE BUTTON lately, so that you'll have everyone on your friends list.