Non-multifandom: Fandom and Original RPGs' Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in Non-multifandom: Fandom and Original RPGs' InsaneJournal:

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    Monday, July 3rd, 2017
    1:11 pm

    The Quidditch Pitch

    Coming off it's most successful year in a century, the British & Irish Quiddich League 2007 season has just started. Just a few short weeks before the season opener, the Quidditch world is rocked by scandal. It has been exposed that members of last season's champions, the Kenmare Kestrels, were taking illegal performance enhancing potions, calling their historic undefeated season into question.

    Those involved in the scandal, including players and team administration, have been removed from the active duty, pending investigation. The Kenmare Kestrels are hastily filling the newly opened positions in time for the start of the season. New calls for increased Ministry oversight of the BIL have emerged, citing this most recent incident.

    Meanwhile, the Chudley Cannons are pinning their hopes on a new international player that will finally ensure (they hope) that the team will finish any place but last this season. The Holyhead Harpies have signed their first openly transgender player, causing a ripple among the Quidditch world. The Wimbourne Wasps have been bought by a new owner, who recently won a WWN contest that made dreams come true.

    Game Now Open

    MOST WANTED: Players for Appleby Arrows, Caerphilly Catapults, Chudley Cannons, Pride of Portree, Tutshill Tornados, Wigtown Wanderers, and Wimboure Wasps; Team Support and Reserve Players (all teams); Journalists


    Sunday, July 2nd, 2017
    2:41 am
    When your eyes open you're staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. The world is hazy and you feel as though you’ve been in this place a long time. Slowly, awareness filters in. You’re lying in a strange bed, an IV in your arm. You wear a hospital gown and a bracelet identifying you as a subject number.

    Not patient.
    Subject. This is all wrong.

    You sit up and take in your surroundings. You are in a room tailored to your tastes. With a jolt of alarm, you realize a camera points at you from the ceiling. You are being watched. On the floor near the bed sits a cardboard box. Slowly you make your way to it and find whatever clothing you were wearing last.

    You remember now. You’d been going about your daily life when someone approached you. You had a moment’s warning that you were in danger, and then—nothing. You opened your eyes and found yourself staring up at fluorescent lights. Something vaguely like a hospital room. The feel of restraints upon your wrists. Those restraints are gone now. There's nothing else for it: you must open the door.

    Mount Zenith is an original psychological horror game centering around the abduction of a seemingly random group of people, and the experiments they are subjected to. Every day the characters will be tested against strange scenarios and harsh stimuli. They will have no choice but to live and work with one another in the strange town they have been placed in. Play by the rules and be rewarded. Refuse, and be punished. They have no contact with their captors, but one thing is apparent: escape is impossible.

    Through the course of gameplay the characters will come to realize their selection for this involuntary experiment isn’t random at all. Each and every one of them has something in common - a secret that’s been kept from them their whole lives...

    Sunday, June 18th, 2017
    12:42 am

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

    Saturday, June 10th, 2017
    2:22 pm

    The Quidditch Pitch

    Coming off it's most successful year in a century, the British & Irish Quiddich League 2007-2008 season is about to start. Just a few short weeks before the season opener, the Quidditch world is rocked by scandal. It has been exposed that members of last season's champions, the Kenmare Kestrels, were taking illegal performance enhancing potions, calling their historic undefeated season into question.

    Those involved in the scandal, including players and team administration, have been removed from the active duty, pending investigation. The Kenmare Kestrels are hastily filling the newly opened positions in time for the start of the season. New calls for increased Ministry oversight of the BIL have emerged, citing this most recent incident.

    Meanwhile, the Chudley Cannons are pinning their hopes on a new international player that will finally ensure (they hope) that the team will finish any place but last this season. The Holyhead Harpies have signed their first openly transgender player, causing a ripple among the Quidditch world. The Wimbourne Wasps have been bought by a new owner, who recently won a WWN contest that made dreams come true.

    Game Now Open

    MOST WANTED: Players for Appleby Arrows, Caerphilly Catapults, Chudley Cannons, Pride of Portree, Tutshill Tornados, Wigtown Wanderers, and Wimboure Wasps; Team Support (all teams); Journalists


    Tuesday, May 30th, 2017
    11:49 am

    Most teenagers get to grow up without encountering anything scarier than gang violence, drug overdoses and chlamydia. They think that’s the worst that the world has to offer them, and they have the luxury of laughing.

    You don’t have the luxury of laughing. You know the world has hideous, horrible things hiding in the shadows. You know because you’re one of them. There’s wickedness that dwells within your chest, darkness that courses through your veins.

    Most teenagers will never know that things like you exist, the secret monsterhearts.

    Monster Heart is a mature and dark game inspired by the tabletop rpg of the same name. Although this game does have and encourages fluffy content (because it can't all be doom and gloom all the time, right?), our goal is to create an atmosphere that truly embodies dark and controversial content. Think American Horror Story meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Therefore, this game isn't for everyone. It will have themes that might make you uncomfortable. However, we aren't a smut centric game, nor are we focused on any one particular theme. But there will often be times your character is exposed to sinister situations, as it is the nature of being a dark game. If you're prone to get upset by triggering content, this is not the game for you, and there are plenty of other games out there with similar setups that might be better suitable to your preferences.

    Saturday, May 13th, 2017
    9:32 pm

    a supernatural rp
    Most teenagers get to grow up without encountering anything scarier than gang violence, drug overdoses and chlamydia. They think that’s the worst that the world has to offer them, and they have the luxury of laughing. You don’t have the luxury of laughing. You know the world has hideous, horrible things hiding in the shadows. You know because you’re one of them. There’s wickedness that dwells within your chest, darkness that courses through your veins. Most teenagers will never know that things like you exist, the secret monsterhearts.


    Friday, May 12th, 2017
    11:41 am

    The Quidditch Pitch

    Coming off it's most successful year in a century, the British & Irish Quiddich League 2007-2008 season is about to start. Just a few short weeks before the season opener, the Quidditch world is rocked by scandal. It has been exposed that members of last season's champions, the Kenmare Kestrels, were taking illegal performance enhancing potions, calling their historic undefeated season into question.

    Those involved in the scandal, including players and team administration, have been removed from the active duty, pending investigation. The Kenmare Kestrels are hastily filling the newly opened positions in time for the start of the season. New calls for increased Ministry oversight of the BIL have emerged, citing this most recent incident.

    Meanwhile, the Chudley Cannons are pinning their hopes on a new international player that will finally ensure (they hope) that the team will finish any place but last this season. The Holyhead Harpies have signed their first openly transgender player, causing a ripple among the Quidditch world. The Wimbourne Wasps have been bought by a new owner, who recently won a WWN contest that made dreams come true.

    Game Opens May 20

    MOST WANTED: Quidditch Players (All Teams), Team Management, Journalists


    Saturday, April 29th, 2017
    8:42 pm

    w o o d h a v e n
    Secrets that lie in the dark will come to light, and with an influx of strange visitors and new residents to the town of Woodhaven, a war may be on the horizon amongst its inhabitants.

    In the meantime: what could go wrong?

    An original character, modern fantasy game set in the fictional town of Woodhaven, WA. Although this is a character driven game in which heavy emphasis is placed upon character development and relationship exploration, there will also be plot-specific events to put those characters and formed relationships to the test.

    Game Pages
    [info]balefire - IC Network
    [info]guidepost - OOC / Storylines
    [info]wildwoods - IC / Threads
    Wednesday, April 26th, 2017
    6:04 pm

    The Quidditch Pitch

    Coming off it's most successful year in a century, the British & Irish Quiddich League 2007-2008 season is about to start. Just a few short weeks before the season opener, the Quidditch world is rocked by scandal. It has been exposed that members of last season's champions, the Kenmare Kestrels, were taking illegal performance enhancing potions, calling their historic undefeated season into question.

    Those involved in the scandal, including players and team administration, have been removed from the active duty, pending investigation. The Kenmare Kestrels are hastily filling the newly opened positions in time for the start of the season. New calls for increased Ministry oversight of the BIL have emerged, citing this most recent incident.

    Meanwhile, the Chudley Cannons are pinning their hopes on a new international player that will finally ensure (they hope) that the team will finish any place but last this season. The Holyhead Harpies have signed their first openly transgender player, causing a ripple among the Quidditch world. The Wimbourne Wasps have been bought by a new owner, who recently won a WWN contest that made dreams come true.

    Game Opens May 20

    MOST WANTED: Quidditch Players (All Teams), Team Management, Journalists


    Thursday, March 30th, 2017
    8:52 pm
    In the beginning, there was only the Creator. And She created the world; its lands and seas, peoples and beasts. She created the Keeper, to rule over the dead. She gave the world to her people, whom She loved dearly, to do with what they would. The people multiplied, forming their cultures and societies, and were faithful to the Creator. And when there were many, the Creator made the Watchers: lesser deities to watch her people and report. You see, there are simply too many people for the Creator to keep track of, too many prayers to answer. The Watchers watch, and tell Her what her creations need.

    But they speak in His ear, too.

    She gave the Watchers free will, and perhaps that was Her greatest mistake. Not every Watcher is good. Not every prayer is answered by the Creator. The Keeper speaks to the Watchers, too, and He does not want for good in the realm of the living. He wants only to rule all, with the death of all things.

    You, the player, are a Watcher, and the choice is up to you. Will you do good or evil? Which prayers will you answer? Which side are you on?

    Watchers, Please is an original high-fantasy game in a medieval setting where the players themselves are the gods. You are a Watcher. Characters pray, and players submit requests. Every week, players will vote on which prayers and requests will be answered – and by whom, and how. How do you want to rule? Only one thing is certain: characters should be careful with what they wish for.
    Saturday, February 18th, 2017
    12:54 pm

    The Statute of Secrecy was put into place for a reason. And, for the most part, people followed the Statute. However, on November 19, 2002, a building in London collapsed, trapping over 100 people inside. Several witches and wizards in the area sprang into action, using magic in front of Muggles to save every Muggle trapped inside.

    The ramifications of their heroic action would be felt for years to come. After two years of peace talks, anti-magic rhetoric, witch hunt, and an attack on the Leaky Cauldron, the Muggle government declared war on witches and wizards. The war raged for fourteen months, ending in a bloodbath in Diagon Alley where 254 muggles, witches, and wizards were killed.

    During this time, two factions emerged within the magical community. The first, Statera, advocated for peace. Lead by the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Statera attempted to negotiate peace with the Muggles. They denounced anyone who sought to harm Muggles. The second faction, Ferox, believed that witches and wizards should use their magic to defeat the Muggles. They encouraged their followers to fight back and to do anything it took to protect the magical world. These two factions argued constantly, leading to further unrest within the magical world.

    Following the attack on Diagon Alley, the leaders of the two factions met to discuss a plan. It was agreed upon to abandon Diagon Alley and all of London. Wizards and witches would retreat to Hogsmeade Village which had been experiencing a boom in growth since the end of the Second War. Both factions worked tirelessly to place protective charms around Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest and an area of land surrounding it all.

    In January of 2005, both factions and their supporters moved into Hogsmeade. On January 20th, the village and surrounding areas were sealed off. Tensions were high between the factions. Many residents were still mourning the loss of their loved ones. With the two factions arguing on how to lead, it was only a matter of time before something exploded. The leader of Ferox, Pollux Rookwood, was murdered within the confines of Hogsmeade. Upon discovering the body, the two factions began to fight.

    Understanding that they could not go on this way, the two factions met and came up with a plan. A wall would be constructed in the village. A number of businesses would exist in the neutral section, but all residential areas and other businesses would be divided. Each faction could decide how to lead their own people and neither would interfere with the other.

    Walled will open on March 1st, mere days after the completion of the Wall.

    Which faction will you choose?

    Most Wanted
  • Ron Weasley
  • Ferox residents
  • 25-30 year olds
  • Hufflepuffs
  • Ravenclaws
  • Statera council members
  • Ferox advisers
  • Law enforcement

    navigation | holds | application
  • Sunday, February 12th, 2017
    5:35 am

    a supernatural rp
    Most teenagers get to grow up without encountering anything scarier than gang violence, drug overdoses and chlamydia. They think that’s the worst that the world has to offer them, and they have the luxury of laughing. You don’t have the luxury of laughing. You know the world has hideous, horrible things hiding in the shadows. You know because you’re one of them. There’s wickedness that dwells within your chest, darkness that courses through your veins. Most teenagers will never know that things like you exist, the secret monsterhearts.


    Saturday, February 11th, 2017
    10:25 pm

    The Statute of Secrecy was put into place for a reason. And, for the most part, people followed the Statute. However, on November 19, 2002, a building in London collapsed, trapping over 100 people inside. Several witches and wizards in the area sprang into action, using magic in front of Muggles to save every Muggle trapped inside.

    The ramifications of their heroic action would be felt for years to come. After two years of peace talks, anti-magic rhetoric, witch hunt, and an attack on the Leaky Cauldron, the Muggle government declared war on witches and wizards. The war raged for fourteen months, ending in a bloodbath in Diagon Alley where 254 muggles, witches, and wizards were killed.

    During this time, two factions emerged within the magical community. The first, Statera, advocated for peace. Lead by the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Statera attempted to negotiate peace with the Muggles. They denounced anyone who sought to harm Muggles. The second faction, Ferox, believed that witches and wizards should use their magic to defeat the Muggles. They encouraged their followers to fight back and to do anything it took to protect the magical world. These two factions argued constantly, leading to further unrest within the magical world.

    Following the attack on Diagon Alley, the leaders of the two factions met to discuss a plan. It was agreed upon to abandon Diagon Alley and all of London. Wizards and witches would retreat to Hogsmeade Village which had been experiencing a boom in growth since the end of the Second War. Both factions worked tirelessly to place protective charms around Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest and an area of land surrounding it all.

    In January of 2005, both factions and their supporters moved into Hogsmeade. On January 20th, the village and surrounding areas were sealed off. Tensions were high between the factions. Many residents were still mourning the loss of their loved ones. With the two factions arguing on how to lead, it was only a matter of time before something exploded. The leader of Ferox, Pollux Rookwood, was murdered within the confines of Hogsmeade. Upon discovering the body, the two factions began to fight.

    Understanding that they could not go on this way, the two factions met and came up with a plan. A wall would be constructed in the village. A number of businesses would exist in the neutral section, but all residential areas and other businesses would be divided. Each faction could decide how to lead their own people and neither would interfere with the other.

    Walled will open on March 1st, mere days after the completion of the Wall.

    Which faction will you choose?

    Most Wanted
  • Ron Weasley
  • Ferox residents
  • 25-30 year olds
  • Hufflepuffs
  • Ravenclaws
  • Statera council members
  • Ferox advisers
  • Law enforcement

    navigation | holds | application

  • Sunday, January 22nd, 2017
    1:01 am

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

    Saturday, January 14th, 2017
    7:40 pm

    the outlaws • a robin hood folklore gpsl
    code by wearestardust @ supersuits
    Wednesday, January 11th, 2017
    10:55 pm

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

    Sunday, January 1st, 2017
    9:41 pm

    a supernatural rp
    Most teenagers get to grow up without encountering anything scarier than gang violence, drug overdoses and chlamydia. They think that’s the worst that the world has to offer them, and they have the luxury of laughing. You don’t have the luxury of laughing. You know the world has hideous, horrible things hiding in the shadows. You know because you’re one of them. There’s wickedness that dwells within your chest, darkness that courses through your veins. Most teenagers will never know that things like you exist, the secret monsterhearts.


    1:15 am

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

    Saturday, December 17th, 2016
    11:59 pm

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

    Wednesday, December 7th, 2016
    11:56 pm

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.

    OPEN SINCE OCT. 2015

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