Non-multifandom: Fandom and Original RPGs' Journal
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Sunday, October 11th, 2015

    Time Event

    C R E S T W O O D
    an original mutant rpg

    A newly founded refuge for mutants: whether they escaped government capture, have lived with their mutation as a secret, or have been seeking others like them, Crestwood offers the safety and seclusion that nowhere else has. With the government making its move on mutants, trying to capture and cover up their existence, this is the time that all mutants, no matter their origin, come together. Within the seclusion of the Elk Mountains, a group of mutants have come together to hide in plain sight. They are seeking out those like them, while extending an offer of protection and purpose. Using a word-of-mouth network, the rumor is out there that if you are a mutant, you belong here.


    [info]crestwoodrpg via [info]crestwoodmods


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