Crestwood RPG

December 2015

Welcome to Crestwood, a safe haven for mutants. Join others like you as they build a community within the safety of the mountains, out of the prying eye of the government.



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Dec. 24th, 2015



Who: Jackson Slate & Preston Fairchild
What: IDK, roomies chilling in the room.
When: Around 6pm.
Where: Unit 2, BR1.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Quiet, surly, volatile... )

Dec. 22nd, 2015



WHO: Maryse Hodge (AKA Ember Lawson) & Eobard Thwane (AKA Ozias Sparks)
WHEN: Tuesday, October 27; Afternoon
WHERE: Snowmass
WHAT: Pretending to be engaged so they can gorge themselves on cake samples.
RATING: Medium? (They may swear or something with how good the cakes are)
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

There was nothing she wouldn't do to get free cake )




Special Deliveries

To Naya )

To Sean )

To Sailor )

To September )

To Andy )

To Terra )

To the remaining residents of Unit 3: Kenna Campbell, Daniel Gilbert, Ezra Reid, and Aiofe Kindell AND left at the door of Unit 8 )

Dec. 20th, 2015



Who: James Thompson, Monique Thompson, and Nikolai Mason
What: Costume shopping!
When: (Backdated) Sunday, October 25, 2015; afternoon
Where: Snowmass
Rating: TBD, probably Low
Status: OPEN/Incomplete.

the most awkward shopping trip )

Dec. 21st, 2015



WHO: Tessa Ivanov & James Bradley
WHEN: October 26, Evening
WHERE: Main Lodge; Hang out area?
WHAT: A meeting! In person this time.
RATING: Likely low
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

Fireplaces were comforting no matter what your abilities were )

Dec. 20th, 2015



Who: Cameron Crossgrove and Lorna Bishop
What: The Monday night crowd has a bit to be desired
When: Monday, October 26, 2015; evening
Where: The Red Door
Rating: TBD, probably Low
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

I’m not your baby )



Who: Cameron Crossgrove and Ozias Sparks
What: Oz figures out the last riddle.
When: Sunday, October 25, 2015; evening
Where: Her room
Rating: TBD, probably Low aside from swearing
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Come on Streaky, it’s not that hard  )

Dec. 19th, 2015



Left in the Dining Hall for Martin )

Dec. 18th, 2015



Who: Alec and Brad
What: Brad's got an interesting idea of how to distract a person
When: Night time
Where: Exclusive sex club in Denver, Colorado
Rating: nsfw for sexual situations, sex clubs, language.
Status: closed/in progress.

Brad could be taking him to a sheep farm for all he cared )




Delivery for Marty )

Dec. 16th, 2015



who: Alec and Al
what: sparring! Working out some emotional problems
when: October 24, afternoon
where: Empty training room
status/rating: PG-13, for violence, sparring, language

So he texted Al and she agreed, and gave him a location and an immediate time - which he appreciated more than she could ever know. )



who: Oz, Brad, Cam, and Rafe
what: Rescue mission!
when: October 23th, late evening (slight backdate)
where: A safehouse in Boston, Mass
status/rating: PG-13, for violence, blood, language

He'd kind of burnt it a little bit )



Who: Bryce, Jared, Eden, and anyone who was in the cafeteria from 12 to 1.
When: Between noon and 1pm, Saturday.
Where: Dining Hall.
Rating: Keep it PG-13.
Status: OPEN!


Dec. 15th, 2015



Who: Marc and Wolf Ivo
What: Bros hanging out and trying to kill each other (via supersmash and Mario kart)
When: Friday, October 23, evening
Where: Their room
Rating: TBD, probably Low
Status: closed/Incomplete.

the last thing they’d need would be two equally amped up pups acting like turtle shells throughout the games. )



Who: Alec deeks and annabeth danvers
What: Alec sees a ghost from his past
When: Friday, roughly eight pm
Where: Abattoir steakhouse
Rating: Mediumish due to possible mentioned content such as suicide attempt, parent abandonment, language
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

He was even smiling when he lifted his gaze - and he had a great smile. )

Dec. 12th, 2015



Who: April and Juliette (and OPEN, if anyone is interested in joining)
What: Popcorn and movie night, because it's a thing.
When: Thursday, October 22, evening
Where: Main Lodge, one of the recreation areas
Rating: TBD, probably Low
Status: OPEN/Incomplete.

April was so excited )

WHO: Pietro and Andy
WHAT: A less disastrous boom than it could have been
WHEN: Afternoon, Oct 21
WHERE: Outside
RATING: explosions
STATUS: in progress

One thing led to another, and pretty soon Pietro was working on a hamster-powered perpetual motion kaleidoscoping robot. )

Dec. 11th, 2015



October 21st, 2015

Who: Trey, Cora, Oriana, Alec, Alex, Luke, Logan, Vlad, Brad, Bryce and anyone else who wants to squeeze in.
What: PARTY!
When: October, 21st, 2015, early evening.
Where: Unit A, then bars

Trey was wearing a puffy orange vest and a clear necktie when he answered the door )



Left on Trey's dresser. )

Dec. 8th, 2015



Who: cliff and Alec
Where: Alec and cliffs room
What: Alec's gonna get cliff drunk and bond
When: October 18 [slight back date sorry I suck], night
Warnings: underage drinking, language
Status: incomplete/closed

Because drunk card tricks is one of my many diverse talents )