Mar. 9th, 2013


Who: Vesper and Priest
Where: The Church, neutral territory
When: November 2013
What: There's a new priest in town, Ava (soon to be Vesper) might not be impressed.
Rating: TBD, but guessing to be PG

November had crept over Ava with a suddenness she wasn't used to. )
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Mar. 2nd, 2013


Who Vesper and Orion
When November 2015
Where Forest, past Cano territory.
What Meeting a fellow hunter in the forest
Rating TPD

Her father's old bear fur coat nearly swallowed Vesper whole... )
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Who: Bridget and open to any Cano.
What: Returning to camp after a morning's forage.
When: Summer 2014
Where: Cano territory, their summer campsite.

A lovely summer day )