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Mar. 9th, 2014



I am Tracy and I am new here. I'm in Ireland, so that's GMT, and I work full-time as well as being a mum to a 6-year-old so I'm mostly on in the evenings after the Sprog has gone to bed. My AIM is SayNoToZombies, and my google-stuff is Scriblix.

This boy is Sean McDermott, or Mick. He's a paramedic by training, and he's from Northern Ireland. He was over stateside on holiday when the Pulse hit and he hasn't made it home yet. With no significant other and no family on this side of the Atlantic, he's just been wandering about, trading his medical knowledge and ability to do general hard work - he grew up on his dad's farm and is more than used to helping out with whatever's needed - for spots to sleep or food supplies. He's a friendly sort, and will chat to anyone. Since he's just arriving in the area, he's an Enk.

Plots would be <3 :D

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Unfortunately we've lost Bella, she's happy for all of her babies to be adoptable so if anyone wants them, scrum down. We're also writing a few changes to make the game easier to navigate, and easier to look around for people who wish to join, which will be up pretty soon.

Feb. 18th, 2014



Hey everyone.

I'm Lin and I am newbie here. I bring Jackson Claybourne to the game. His tribal name is Jax and he is a member of the Canowicakte tribe. He is one of the hunters of that tribe and a widower. He lost his wife to the pulse and his daughter, he thinks. More info can be found on his journal.

I don’t have AIM, but I can be reached at So feel free to hit me with an email anytime. Looking forward to playing with you all :)

Jan. 12th, 2014


So just looking for plottiness for Barbie here. Anyone want to play?

Jan. 5th, 2014


Check in

So. Hi guys. <3

I'll keep this short and sweet, because I can ramble on and on.

Not dead.
Fighting seasonal depression. (A normal thing)
I got pretty sick just recently. :X It felt I had the plague and I was pretty certain I did until the doctor insisted it was just a bad case of the flu. I rather believe I fought of the Black Plague though...
I'm kinda here, and going to try not to be in my funk by being on AIM more often.
I miss you all something fierce. <3

Happy New Years!
Happy Holidays! (Which ever you do or do not celebrate)

How are all of you?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


mwah. it hasn't been obvious )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Merry Christmas guys. I'm away for a couple of days, but I'll be back...and I am THINKING people

Dec. 16th, 2013


Okay! Sorry for my all MIA and stuff. With updating my desktop, shit kinda didn't go right. Sakura (my computer) was being a dirty bitch, and fighting with me on taking her drivers, so I had to show her the strong side of my pimp had. (Which means I cried and begged her to be nice...) Which means, I am now back and rolling out. I will tag where I am needed. I know I owe Mac one, and I owe Scarlet and Topher one, and I do believe that is it, unless I am forgetting something.

Did I miss something? Anything?

And I missed you all my lovelies!

-Savage and Raven

Dec. 10th, 2013


Hey guys. I'll have to take a hiatus/slowatus and I'm not sure for how long. My grandma died this morning. We weren't close, since she lived about 700km away and I only ever saw her once in a blue moon (also she hated my guts when I was a kid), but my Mom is pretty shaken up. She's on her way there and as soon as I can reach her I'm going to offer to come to her and help with whatever she and my aunt need help with. So yeah. No clue how the next couple of weeks are going to be...

Nov. 26th, 2013


OMG Loz has finished her timeskips!

Nov. 19th, 2013


Heads up you guys!

Message from InsaneJournal via facebook:

Tomorrow morning at 7AM Eastern (GMT -0500) we plan on shutting down the site to move it to the new servers. We are unsure of how long this is going to take (we hope under 24 hours). The site will be completely down during the time of the move. We will be posting updates to our Facebook and Twitter feeds as previously mentioned during the downtime.

Nov. 16th, 2013


Look who's here!!!

Hi all, Debbie here with my 4th baby. Some of y'all know him, some of you don't. Either way, he's new to this game and mostly a new character.

This is Miles. He's 31, he was a slave rescued during the war by Lou in the very beginning of it all. Since then, he's never really left Lou's side or general presences, he even has a room right next to hers.

This Miles is still uber book smart, still creative, still inventive, but he's also extremely distrustful of people, never speaks to anyone first (someone has to say something to him to get him to talk), he's extremely loyal to Lou for finding him and to Stryde for allowing him a place in the Tawa tribe. He is bi-sexual, however, he is not a fan of men right now. He's much more comfortable around women. He can't fight worth a darn and he doesn't sleep very well. He can often be found reading and working on plans for inventions.

In the past week, he's found a puppy, a terrier mutt of some kind, and has since named him Lucky. He's in the picture above. For more about him, check out his IJ page.

Currently, I don't have much plot for him, just with Lou, so please hit me up! Thank you!

Nov. 13th, 2013


OOC FUN! Let's do this!!

Okay, those who were in DT with me will know this one already, but I stole this from a previous game and it was some OOC fun and got everyone to know other characters a bit better.

What is your character's... )

Nov. 12th, 2013


Man, I get invaded by relatives and miss all the fun! They're gone and I'm back now though, and would like to get started on things. Knight will be fighting and hopefully questioning one of the scouts (assuming any are left), Lou is going to help rescue (though I'd like her to be forced to kill someone because I'm mean as hell to my muses), and Sugar in the aftermath. Anyone with any subplots, hit me!


Nov. 4th, 2013


Miles is coming in...

... but I need to know who would be the one to find him and liberate him from the slavers. Because whomever that is will be who he's most loyal to and which tribe he belongs to. For those who don't know who Miles is, he's basically an engineer, inventor, creator, brainy guy. He can be handy and has an iedtic memory. PB is Matthew Grey Gubler.

So let me know! Thanks!

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Hey my loves the timeskip is up, treat it as a new week change...we ARE BACK!

Oct. 29th, 2013


Slavers Plot!

Hey all,

As you may (or may not) have noticed, two group threads have gone up for the current big plot. This is the start of the events that will drive the timeskip - which will happen next month.

Events are split between two threads: Rescue and Fight.

Rescue Thread: )

Fight Thread )

Note: Your characters do not have to be involved in either thread. They can be back safe and sound in their territory or other areas perhaps looking after children or more vulnerable characters? The Oma will be providing safe refuge for children and families (and possibly a select few others) on their land and within the Church for Enks and those who don't wish to enter a different tribe-land.

Topher will have organised a trauma-centre/triage area in the neutral zone, either within the tribal leaders' meeting building or on tents or such outside. So, runners will be bringing injured back to this area if they are stable enough to be moved.

Oct. 16th, 2013


Glad to see the game didn't die after all.

Looking for plottiness for Alicia so anyone who is interested, let me know!

Oct. 9th, 2013


Hello everyone,

Just popping over here for a moment, to let everyone know I'm not dead. I know, hold your gasps back. It's amazing.

So I've been investigating on what all I have missed, and oh my have I missed some things. Savage here probably has been a busy boy, and I would love to work some stuff out I might of missed, or not know of. I also would like to discuss someone that might of escaped Savage's lethal hands, maybe got the drop on him or something. Rock his mortality a bit.

So yeah.

And Raven. Lets not forget that doped out of his skull man. He has been doing his own thing mostly. Probably fairly oblivious of the whole slaver thing. Frankly, he probably had little fucks to give about the situation, as long as Lot is keeping him and his stuff safe. Besides, he's a lover not a fighter. Lol.

I'm open to things, and feel free to poke at me.

AIM: shinrapower


Savage and Raven

Sep. 28th, 2013


Newb Alert

Hello, everyone!

My name is Caitlin and I will be your newbie. I live in the East Coast (EST) and work from home, so you'll see a lot of me as we go~

With me I bring little Evelyn Piper Donahue. She is twelve! Yes, twelve! She is rather advanced for her age and quite independent as her parents more or less let her raise herself under the supervision of a nanny.

Evie has come to the tribes as a run away from some slavers not too far away, and is currently lurking in your neighborhood! She's been watching from a distance for perhaps a few days, ICly, but now that we are in the game she will be coming out to try and steal away some food. Evie only makes her moves late at night or early in the morning, before (most!) people wake up and get underway. As she is just a tiny little thief wary of you lot, she does not have a tribe, and is otherwise open for persuasion! However, she sees those Chets beatin' ya'll up and she's comfortable with surviving and sacrificing her art--which she will hide. She is a dancer, trained for five years in ballet and fewer years in jazz and tap! Evie also knows some taekwondo and is not afraid to use it! Stay back, evil adults!

Evie's tribe name will become Holang-i, which is "tiger" in Korean.

I look forward to playing with you all!


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