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May. 29th, 2011


Hey guys, just letting everyone know what's going on.

So this is the plan: Right now, two of our four new mods are a bit busy with RL stuff, but their schedules should be clearing up fairly soon. What we're gonna do is put Nomads on a brief hiatus (which only means there won't be any mod prompts) until everybody's back in the full swing of things. We'll be working on gamewide plot in the meantime, and plan to restart the game after a month or two IN CHARACTER TIME. That is, they were in Washington DC in March; when we start back up, they'll be in the area of St. Louis at the end of May.

Feel free to scene and post to your heart's content, wrapping up characters that were dropped (aka, left in DC) and the happenings of the caravan between the coast and St. Louis (I know I'm working on a few things). Keep checking in; we'll post updates to let you know when we'll officially be moving the plot ahead (it won't be long, I promise).

Thanks for your patience,

May. 23rd, 2011


Aaah, I'll be on a plane in about 12 hours. .__.

Just wanted to give a final heads-up on my absence. I'll be back on June 10, as said - in the meantime, email is a surefire way to reach me, also AIM (ChicagoForLovers) when I'm on. I know, awesome way to start my tour of mod duty, right? But after this, I'm not going anywhere all summer, so... XD

Also, I might have a new kid to present to y'all when I return...

Much love! <3
-Ryan and Sparrow

May. 21st, 2011


New Mods and other info

Hello lovelies!

Alrighty, so after screaming at my TV about the SPN season finale, I'm ready to get this shit done.

Your new mods are Lucy (blissfuliris), Meg (dandyesques), Kristin (winsomewizard), and Ryan (chicagoforlovers). I'm going to stay on in the transition, as we work in however many characters are coming to Nomads from The Colony (I know of at least 4), I'll help with plot to get us out of Washington DC, but then I'm stepping down. I am NOT leaving--just to make that clear. I love my muses here and I probably couldn't function properly without them, I just can't do the modding thing anymore.

Let's use this little break in plot to do some house-cleaning and brain storming. Comment below with any and all ideas you have for future (near and far) for the caravan. Also, take this opportunity to drop any characters you may have lost interest in--for whatever reason. We're starting semi-fresh after losing and gaining so many in one week.

Just a note: I'm not updating the cast-list until I know of some things for sure regarding new characters.

Among those I know for sure we've lost:
Ryan Deveraux
Abigail Van Vliet

Among those going up for adoption:
Gabe and Cooper

May. 19th, 2011



So it looks like the merger is a Go from this end--I will inform the players on The Colony's end and see where that goes.

Now that the discussion thread looks fairly complete, I need to ask the solid question.

Who are my new mods gonna be? Comment below is your Volunteering for Duty. I need at least two, willing to move the plot, settle disputes, add-remove-and-accept characters, ect. Three would be preferable.

As soon as I get that settled, we can move on.


May. 18th, 2011


i'm not disappeared...

but we're having wireless/connection issues. It makes things like posting and IM into an exercise in frustration.

You can always email me, and I'll get back to you.

May. 17th, 2011


Game-Wide Things

Hey y'all. This is Modly-Erin posting from Stella's account because I just didn't feel like switching.

So there has been some issues having to do with the game that need to be brought to your attention--though it's likely that you're already aware of them. We've had a handful of people leaving lately for various reasons, mostly RL. This time of year is always difficult with games on IJ for many reasons (all having to do with players RL). Because of these issues accumulating, we're faced with some decisions.

One thing, there is another post-apocalyptic game (The Colony) that I have been involved in that is closing down--the mod of that game has offered, as an alternative to it's players, a merger. This is still being discussed with The Colony, but essentially it would bring about a handful of new players and characters.

Should that be the case, Nomads might be given a new shot of life--but that's not enough to keep it going. The big issue we're facing right now is modship. Audra and Nat are running into some busy busy times, and will most likely be stepping down. As those of you who've been here long enough to remember the last time we went through a mod change, I honestly don't think I can handle it again. So here's the pitch:

We need new mods: people who want to plot and do all those modly things that keep the game going. I want to keep playing, but without a head, this snake is gonna die.

So comment below with your opinions, concerns, desires, and whatnot. Lets get a discussion going.

May. 16th, 2011


Figured I'd do this before I go to bed, lest I forget.

I am going on vacation to Glasgow/Bristol on Monday the 23rd! Be staying 'til June 10 and although I'll have internet at least in Bristol, I likely won't be using it a lot. Not for RP, anyway. I'll probably be on AIM and such, if not as much as when I'm here at home (since there, I'll be dependent on friend's home wifi). This trip is my reboot, so I tend to leave home at home completely. So yes, I'll be on hiatus.

Thought I'd give a heads-up in case anyone wanted Sparrow for scenes or wanted to discuss plots while I'm still readily available! As said, I'm here for another week and altho I'll be working just about every day, I'm up for threading and all. So while you can and if you need, grab hold of Sparrow!


May. 10th, 2011


Little OOC note from me!

Because things got super crazy for a bunch of people in the last couple weeks, a few plotty things got behind on my part. I was going to write a solo for Dede here explaining what's going on, but I got hugely side-tracked by my day. SO... here's the run down.

Back in the aftermath of Inez, Dede was grappling with her conscience and her feelings. As the old-tops know (and the new tops are about to find out) she found some very interesting documents in Atlanta that hint that the government not only KNEW about the zombie outbreaks and whats causing them, but tried to cover it all up as well. She bonded over this with Ryan Deveraux, who convinced her not to burn the evidence and try to forget all about it.

Then she and Ryan had a falling out. After he was rescued from the mines, Dede realized that her feelings for him are nothing but self-destructive to her, and taking away from her life's purpose--which she was losing sight of. So, she went to the Council after they were elected to tell them (including Ryan) that she was leaving--heading to DC, in order to further research what she had found. We hadn't gotten to this part of the thread yet, but WE WILL!

So anyway, Dede left at the beginning of last game week. This was part of the reason why the caravan decided to head to DC.

Now, after this OOC post, I'm going to post what has happened to her, as well as introducing our new hunk, Muhammed.

So stay tuned!


May. 9th, 2011


So -- here's the thing.

I'm now more or less officially working two jobs because I have next to no money, and I'm finding it a little hard to mesh here -- so I'm going to take my leave.

Abs here hasn't had much interaction anyway, so I don't think is going to effect anyone too terribly! I'm sorry to have to go, you guys seem pretty great.

Lettie (and Abs)

May. 8th, 2011


Hey all! I know this is a little bit late, and I apologize (especially to the love-er-ly Taryn bug!) but RL got pretty hectic what with last week being my last week of college! Yay!

But anyhoodles, I suppose an introduction is in order! I'm Amanda, and I proudly present Lincoln and Fallon Randford! Linc is a rather serious, hard-working sort but he's generally an easy person to get along with. He's been traveling with his daughter in search of a doctor who might be able to help her... seems like the Zombie apocolypse wasn't enough to wipe out the normal infectious diseases from before. But despite being sick, Fallon's a normal five year old girl in that she likes to poke her nose into everything and thinks she knows more than every grownup ever. :]

I'd love lines and plotz, so please feel free to hit me up throuygh his journal or this post!

May. 7th, 2011


The council thread is up and running! It is an open thread, so if your character has something they'd like to bring to the council, you are very welcome to do so, just start a new comment thread to the main entry!

All the threads will run concurrently but will understood to happen sequentially in in-game time. (does that make sense? I hope so.)

Please respect posting order unless you discuss it with the others in the thread first!

May. 2nd, 2011



Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I'm back and the family drama stuff is OVER (yayness!), so Zara and I are up for playing! Just hit me up on my AIM at ArtemisHunted, or email at ♥♥♥


Happy Monday, players!

Just wanted to remind you that elections are still going on here. If you haven't voted yet, please do! The election will end Wednesday at midnight-ish, GMT -5, so make sure to get your votes in!

Have a great week, both OOC and IC!

May. 1st, 2011


Okay and now I am really back...hhaha I thought I was but stupid stuff shoved that all to hell. Who is up for some scenage and which muse do you want? =)

Apr. 29th, 2011


Council Elections!

Hello civically minded caravaners!

Nominations are now closed and voting is open! Lamely, you can only create polls on IJ if you have a paid acct, which we don't. Then I looked at a bunch of poll making sites online but none of them really suited our needs. SO it'll be our old favorite - screened comments.

The Rulez

1. Vote. It's your civic duty. If you don't, you abdicate all rights to bitch about the council later. XD

2. Each of your characters may vote.

3. Each character may vote for up to four candidates.

4. You may vote for yourself.

5. Vote with each character's journal or vote with one and list all your other character(s)' votes. Either way is fine, but anonymous votes will not be counted.

6. Voting will run through Wednesday.

On Thursday the new council will be announced. We're thinking there will be a council thread in the IC comm so we can watch them all squirm, jockey for position, and figure out what they're going to do about the hundred or so people they're now responsible for! Hey, it's the council. They've got to actually work!

If you have any other questions, you may comment here (comments are unscreened) or you may email the mods at

Apr. 28th, 2011


Because I love you...

And I, too, get irritated having to go find the code I have saved or typing <b> a bazillion times, I've put the code for log headers here, on the profile page of the On With The Show community.

I hope you all find it useful!


Hey gang -

Just want to remind you that nominations are ending tomorrow, so if you haven't gotten yours in, do it soon! We've got a great field of candidates so far!


Apr. 26th, 2011



Sorry I''ve been sort of AWOL lately. Wedding Planning and work have kicked my everlovin butt. I should be available more often after Wednesday. (Knock on wood.)

<3 Lucy (Sam, Caleb, Roxy)

Apr. 25th, 2011


Hi all -

Nominations are up here! Comments are screened and all nominations are anonymous.

Just to reiterate, you may nominate anyone you like, your character-self included, but please only nominate them once.

Nominations will run through through April 29 OOC. On Saturday, voting for the new council will begin.

Also, a note about the council duties... yes, it's true! Council members will have an OOC say in where the caravan should go next! They will be able to help shape things that happen in the caravan! The final decision will rest with the mods, but we thought it would be fun if the council really had a say.

So I think that's it. If you still have questions, you can comment here with them or email the mods at nomadicmods @

Happy nominating!

Apr. 24th, 2011


So, I meant to say this when Erin did, but I too am back for play.


(Dmitriy, Devin, Ryan McKinney, Vaughn)

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