May 10th, 2014

[info]moststubborn in [info]nolascenes

Who: Rebekah and Hayley
When: Early afternoon
Where: Mikaelson Place
What: Bonding time; Catching up
Rating: Low
Status: Closed

I've fallen from grace, took a blow to my face. )

[info]amwickedwitch in [info]nolascenes

characters: Faye and Melissa
setting: French Quarter
summary: Besties hanging out.
rating/warnings: Medium.
status: Open, Di and Cassie are more then welcome to join them. No boys allowed!

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[info]yousavedmylife in [info]nolascenes

characters: Elena and Clay
setting: Swamp - Bayou
summary: Just out for a run, trying to cause trouble, maybe.
rating/warnings: Going with high, cause Clay, naked, doesn't last low for long.
status: Ongoing - wolves (I don't think there is any) can hop in.

Running, so much running. )