The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Monday, March 23rd, 2009

    Time Event

    [And it was... a TV Studio?]

    "Today's topic: My Characters Hate Eachother! Yes, our players say that their characters are fighting, being uncivil and in some cases, cheating!" The familiar voice belonged to Jerry Springer.

    Gambit and Fai were down on the stage.

    "Mon Dieu" says Gambit as he is automatically thrust into a guest chair...

    [ooc: The Jerry Springer Room! Make your characters fight eachother! Metagaming, Fourth-Wall-Raping, and Jerry Springer horror stories are all allowed! Playing yourself is also allowed (you can be a guest on the show, but you are a wire-frame to preserve anonymity)]

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