The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    ((open thread to anyone))
    People are always thinking. Always, constantly, irritatingly thinking.

    Matt's just looking for a place to rest. Where it's quiet. Where he doesn't have to hear the most obnoxious of the opinions that swim through people's minds. He's tried everywhere. The library's even loud to Matt Parkman. There's always someone who's thinking the most perverse, horrible thoughts, like they're trying to be the most obnoxious guy in the room.

    Matt Parkman, Mr. Nice Guy, can't do anything about the most obnoxious guy in the room.

    That's life.

    But then he stepped through this door and all of a sudden things are quiet.

    Not silent, just quiet. Free of the really, truly disgusting stuff. Just gentle, nonjudgmental thoughts drifting through.

    Matt sits down on a bench. Picks up a magazine and looks at the pictures of all the hotties of both genders that lace the pornography known as People.

    God damn, he's horny.

    It's really, really nice, thinks Mr. Nice Guy, to be the most obnoxious guy in the room for once.


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