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Jan. 11th, 2009


This is...less than ideal.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Tick Tock [teen Gabe] )

Oct. 10th, 2008


I feel like I've been hit by an eighteen wheeler.



There seem to be a lot of people missing since last night, maybe we should try and figure out who is still with us.

I'm posting this as sort of a virtual headcount, so those of us who are still here, please reply to this and be counted. "Sides" do not matter, we need to know who is still here out of everyone.

Once we determine who we still have, we will know who is missing. As people reply I will list them here, and make note of it.

And anyone who recently...passed, they'll be listed too.

Beaubier, Jean Paul.
Bennet, Claire.
Bennet, Claire "Sandra."
Bishop, Elle [1/?].
Cullen, Bella.
Ford, Kira.
Frost, Emma.
Gilmore, Rory.
Gray, Gabriel [The Teenager].
Harkness, Jack.
Jones, Ianto.
Lang, Lana.
Mariano, Jess.
Mars, Veronica.
Matthews, Danny
McCain, Eden.
Murphy, Jesse.
Petrelli, Claire.
Petrelli, Gabriel.
Petrelli, Nate.
Petrelli, Nathan.
Petrelli, Nina.
Petrelli, Peter. [From my timeline].
Petrelli, Peter [The Dickhead].
Petrelli, Petra.
Potter, Harry.
Sylar [The one who took my power and pretended to be Nathan.]
Voldemort, Lord.
Winchester, Sam.
Zabini, Blaise.

Echolls, Logan.
Wilmer, Caden.

Bishop, Elle [Teenager?]
Halliwell, Phoebe.
Herrera, Maya.
Kyle, Selina.
Moore, Jessica.
Peace, Warren.
Peters, Amalea.
Petrelli, Peter. [The crazy one.]
Petrelli, Peter [The sane one.]
Sullivan, Chloe.
Walker, Molly.
Williams, Layla.

Oct. 8th, 2008


Veronica )

ETA:Sylar (both of them) )

Oct. 7th, 2008


. . .

[OOC: Spoilers for Heroes Season 3 very possible]

Oct. 6th, 2008


Where am I...I was and then...

Gabe, Pete fuck they have to be okay.

OOC: Season Three spoilers in here guys you have been warned!

Oct. 3rd, 2008


He's gone . . .

Oct. 1st, 2008


Can someone tell me where I am?

I really need to get home. Now, in fact. It's important. My brother... He just...

I don't care where I am. Someone just tell me the fastest way to Texas.

[ooc: comments will contain spoilers for heroes season 3]


Petra )

Sep. 30th, 2008


Peter (mine) )


so dark so cold so lonely

nothing there was nothing no sound no light just dark just nothing

so alone no air no music no laughter

just nothing

Sep. 27th, 2008


Gabe )

Sep. 26th, 2008


Um...why is there a dead girl on the beach?


Guess there is no reason anymore.

Sep. 25th, 2008


Petra )


Well, that was an experience I'd rather not repeat ever again.

Sep. 19th, 2008


I fucking hate this place.

Send me home, make me forget everything, I don't care. I just want out.

Sep. 10th, 2008


Too quiet. Makes me nervous.

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