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No Destination: Journals

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[Jan. 26th, 2018|12:21 am]

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I uhm... started growing aconite. If you know, anyone decides that's a worthwhile pursuit.

Know it's controversial and all that, but it's in a secure place and ... figured it could be useful at some point.

The lack of sun also messed with some of the plants cycles, but I think I figured it out.
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[Jan. 7th, 2018|10:59 pm]

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[Dec. 31st, 2017|11:17 pm]

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So.. uh, what is everyone doing tonight?
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[Dec. 28th, 2017|08:42 am]

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Is there a library? Does anyone know? I want to find out what's going on.
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[Dec. 27th, 2017|07:25 pm]

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Uhm... I'm going to be late for class. Can someone tell me how to get out of here? I need to water Keanu Leaves before he starts whipping the students.
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