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Dec. 4th, 2013


What was your dream job when you were 5? 10? 20? What is it now?

Dec. 7th, 2012


Tea or coffee? How do you take your coffee? What kind of tea is your favourite?

Nov. 28th, 2012


What are your plans for the holidays?

Oct. 5th, 2012


Do you like your name? Would you ever change it? Would you take your husband/wife's name if you ever got married? Would you want your spouse to take yours?

I should change my first name to Sirius this is like a lifelong aspiration of mine

Sep. 19th, 2012


Best gift you've received?

Personally I'm still waiting on my delivery of Chris Hemsworth.

Sep. 4th, 2012


Word association game! I'll start with a word and you say the first thing that comes into your mind. It can be a chain or WHATEVER


Aug. 28th, 2012


Kickin' ass and takin' names:

Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years?

Aug. 26th, 2012


Inquiring minds wish to know:

Describe what you're wearing right now.

Aug. 19th, 2012


Tell us about your favourite holiday destination, and/or your dream holiday destination.

In my old age I'm starting to like places with sun.

Nov. 30th, 2010


Nikki inspired me!

Pick an icon for any of my characters and I'll tell you what IC situation warrants it.

Nov. 21st, 2010


I stole this from LJ too:

How do you feel when a favorite band breaks up? Do you still follow the original band members in their new projects?

Nov. 19th, 2010


the river and the otter are my friends

From LJ's Writer's Block and because Nikki says I should use this one. I feel like it was written by my mom.

If you could conjure an animal spirit protector, which animal would you choose, and why?

Scoffing/saying you wouldn't is not a valid answer, Miss Nam.


gobble gobble

Obviously looking for ideas. Marisa is welcome to answer. Man, don't we all wish we had a Marisa?

How do you normally spend your Thanksgiving?

Nov. 18th, 2010


What one thing would you tell your 18-year-old self?

Nov. 17th, 2010


Do you belong to an organised religion?

Nov. 14th, 2010


What kind of mobile cell phone do you have? Do you like it or would you prefer something else? What's your ring tone?

My ringtone is Sorry Sorry :D

Nov. 13th, 2010


An OOC one, for players to answer!

How will your character die?

Nov. 9th, 2010


What's your favourite word?

In any language!

Nov. 8th, 2010


me: not a rat I hope

What's under your bed?

Nov. 6th, 2010


ode to pancakes
Give one recipe of a food that takes you back and tell us a little about its memory.

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