03 December 2010 @ 12:13 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]aldiara #2  
Note: This is the second of two gifts posted tonight. Make sure you don't miss the other one!

Title: Bed Scenes
Author: [info]giorgiakerr
Recipient: [info]aldiara
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Vanessa/Nina
Summary: Somehow, they fit together.
Rating: What's between PG and M? Because it's there. 'Teen'?
Warning(s): Not enough boobies.
Word Count: ~1 000
Author's Notes: Dialogue? What is dialogue? Oh, you mean the talking thing? PFFT. Who needs that? Also, I can’t believe I actually wrote this. I’m reeling a bit. Fandom needs more girlslash. This is my contribution.

21 July 2010 @ 06:25 pm
[fic] alles was zaehlt { absolute electricity [nina/vanessa. juli/vanessa. r. 2300 words.]  
.absolute electricity
[nina/vanessa. juli/vanessa. r. 2300 words.]
notes; 100% for aldi, who asked for vanina fic literally years ago and I totally forgot about it. UNTIL NOW. Soz bébé<33333 have some porn to make up for it.
warnings; none. possibly my complete and utter lack of america!knowledge. Can you take a plane from LA to Boston? IDEK.
summary; She's thought about this, Nina can tell. She knows where it will lead.

idk what tags i'm meant to use, lol. *is inept*
Current Music: the drugs don't work - the verve
07 June 2010 @ 01:04 am
FIC: Karma  
Title: Karma
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom/Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Deniz/Vanessa
Word Count: 1440 words
Rating: PG maybe?
Summary: She should have known it had to do with Roman. "It always did," a small part of her sighs in frustration.
Disclaimer: So very much not mine.
A/N: Hmmm. I'm not sure how this happened -- I wrote DeVa. IDEK. I'm blaming it on my evil plan to conquer the SEXYs Het category for yet another year. But I'm dying to know what she will think when she hears of Deniz's frustrations with Marc. She's got so much to gloat about. Huge hugs to [info]aldiara for overcoming her DeVa squick to do the most fabulous beta job ever!
