10 August 2010 @ 10:17 pm
There can never be enough Richard/Roman, right? *g*  
Title: Unseen
Pairing: Richard/Roman
Rating: G
Word Count: 365
Summary: "Richard knows he should tear himself away from the office window. He has other things to attend to: work, his family. Things that are certainly more important than Roman Wild."
A/N: So, um, I'm not sure I'm entirely satisfied with this, but I got tired of looking at it and decided I had to either post it or kill it. [info]lilithilien, [info]vitacrudelis and [info]praderwilli said I must post it, and who am I to argue with them? <333

He could never help but stare when Roman was on the ice.
Current Mood: indifferent
08 August 2010 @ 11:02 pm
Roman & Richard's dreams are made of this  
Just a few icons and banners in the name of Rose <33



Roman & Richard are so hot that they'll melt your popsicle over at my journal

02 August 2010 @ 01:53 am

Title: Changes
Author: [info]giorgiakerr
AWZ, Richard/Roman
Word Count: ~1200 (i.e. Waaaay longer than it was supposed to be.)
Rating: Erm... well, it's not porn, and I don't mention genitals by name, so... PG? Oh, everyone here reads porn, anyway, it's not like anyone's going to be scandalised by my writing. :P
Summary: It made him feel slightly dirty, slightly perverted, like a predator stalking innocent pray. Only Roman wasn’t innocent.
Disclaimer: After a story like this? There's a good reason I don't own anything but school books and a faded pair of Converse with holes in the heels and broken laces.
A/N: Uh. Not much to say, actually. Except that two men straddling the same torpedo looks far more amusing and dirty than it should. (No, this doesn't actually have anything to do with the story - there just happens to be an old B&W war film on TV. And where the hell did the word "Leftenant" come from? NOTE TO THE ARMED FORCES OF THE WORLD: THIS IS NOT A WORD). In relation to the story, I think I made Roman seem like a bit of a slut. Oops. *is totally unremorseful* Also, I'm not entirely sure what I've done emotionally in this story, because there was never really supposed to be emotion in the first place. It just kind of ended up there of its own accord. Stupid emotion.

I will never get over how easy Richard/Roman is to imagine...

Current Mood: tired
25 July 2010 @ 11:51 pm
A humble offering for the ficathon. Um, yay?  
Title: Breakfast Can Wait
Pairing: Richard/Roman
Rating: This became quite pervy in my head, but smut isn't in my repertoire, so the written version is PG-ish. I'M NOT SURE WHETHER I SHOULD BE APOLOGISING FOR THAT OR NOT.
Word Count: 480
Summary: "The sun catches in Roman's hair and illuminates his skin, and Richard can barely contain the urge to wake him and discover if he tastes different in the early morning."
A/N: So... I take no responsibility for anything about this. I was half asleep when I wrote it, and Richard and Roman basically forced me into it when I was too weak to resist. But have it anyway, since me actually finishing a fic is something remarkable! *g*

"You can disturb me any time!"
Current Mood: sleepy