쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang ([info]sdk) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 26th, 2011 at 05:03 am
omg if you want to make banners I AM NOT GONNA STOP YOU. BC srsly, I was messing about with Paint and about to cry. Tho I suppose I could download GIMP or something for the ~interim, but with the computer down, I don't have any of my screenshots, templates, awz pics, pre-cut out stuff, YOU KNOW. EVERYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE THIS EASIER.

I have Nominated banners for almost every category except icons I think (I made them way back in the spring) but I think if we just had something simple for the winners? It can even be just the same basic banner with the text changed to reflect what the award is for/who won, etc. In fact, if you want to just make something pretty, I can add the text or w/e. ANYTHING TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU BB. BC you have no idea how long these banners took in the past hahahaha.
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