Merry ([info]merkyderry) wrote in [info]no7_awz on January 7th, 2011 at 04:03 am
Reading the passage about outside forces being too powerful for Roman & Marc leaves me with a dull ache settling in. They are star crossed, but new ice shows are born, new relationships form--I appreciate that reality written into this story, and I shake my head at the irony & sadness--the feeling of loneliness--of Roman seeking the advice of a man who's still in love with him.

What I also like about this story is that sense of having memories intrude on the present: How Marc could be watching skating results or living a life in France or sipping coffee in a train station and the past is kind of hovering there & re-experiencing the emotions.

I liked the all the imagery of the last section: the wind whipping outside; a growing buzz; an image striking Marc with a hurricane force; of people swept by the currents of the station and of Marc drifting toward his train; There's always that sense again of letting go & let life go on--

Beautiful. Thank you.
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