쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang ([info]sdk) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 22nd, 2010 at 08:16 pm
I love this fic, like burning, like in ways I can not possibly tell you, MA. I can not believe that you not only put Mars in a fic, but MADE ME LIKE IT ahahaha.

All the details--you just have such a talent for making a scene come alive and picking the perfect words for...well just everything. Even when it comes to crack like this.

This bit made me LOLOL all over the place -

"There's stuff that's so bad that it's good, and then there's stuff that's so bad that it goes beyond good and comes all the way back around into fucking awful," he declared loudly, pressing one side of his head against Deniz's shoulder so he could at least block one ear. "I may not be young and hip to the current jive or groovin' with the happening beat…"

"Uh, baby? No one really talks like-"


BUT MIKE. MIIIIIIIIIKE. That was the icing on top of the cracky delicious cake. Out of all the canon!repair, this might be my favorite. (lol yeah, I know, deromarc canon!repair should be more important, but...MIIKKEEEEE.)

"I don't believe it! Is this some kind of fashion this year? Fake your own death, follow idiotic childhood dream? You're worse than Jenny!"

LOLOL, I LOVE THIS. You brought Mike back and Jenny! Totally canon in my mind.

"No, that's my job now," Roman said, a tad too quickly. "I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, to be honest, because whenever I show up for practice, they stare at me all weird and they always seem surprised when I say anything about, you know, skating. And the first time I showed up at a competition and brought extra water bottles and made Katja eat breakfast, Jenny got the giggles and couldn't stop and we couldn't figure out what was wrong, she just kept saying 'You showed UP!' and wouldn't stop laughing and eventually we had to call in Oliver because she got the hiccoughs but she ended up being better."

"That was before she died-but-not-really," Deniz supplied helpfully.

OMO, THIS PART. I really need to stop scrolling back up because I keep finding things to quote and LOLing all over again, and pretty soon the entire fic is going to be in this comment box (which I'm sure it won't fit) so I'll stop this now. BUT I LOVE THIS. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I want to marry it and have babies.
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