Lilith ([info]lilithilien) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 10th, 2010 at 02:34 pm
I DEMAND A TRANSLATION, MYSTERY AUTHOR!!!! Don't you know that English is the universal language?

I really wish my German was good enough to read this without having to rely on googletranslator, but sadly I'm afraid I'm missing all the nuances of your writing. What I love tho: Roman lying there, tracing his hand over the contours of Marc's body without actually touching him, then finally letting one finger stretch out... it's such a beautiful image of the distance between the two of them, as is this deep sleep that Marc enjoys while Roman is torn apart. Roman's paralysis is so keen here -- that paralysis that freezes him when he thinks of life without Marc so perfectly describes what he was going through on Show, when he couldn't make a decision, but that was never explicit there; here you've brought it out so perfectly, with his imaginings of his future in Hamburg, perfect except that Deniz is absent. This calls for a threesome, obvs! I also LOLed (probably inappropriate, I know) when Roman said "shut up" to the silent voice. It seems very like him, to have those voices be more real than the quiet in the room around him. I can see this whole thing played out on screen and I love it!

And the ending. *sniffles* Oh Roman. This is so painful, this knowledge that he's finally made a decision, that this is the very last time... those moments are so bittersweet. Thank you, Mystery Author, for giving this story the ending it deserved! *clink*
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