Aldi ([info]aldiara) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 2nd, 2010 at 05:20 am
Ooooh, so many goodies! *ogles*

My favourites: 18 (nice to see old!Jenny! and awww, they look so happy), 20 (such bliss on their faces!), 21 (OH HI BLUE EYE!), 35 and 37 (such great moments - forehead reading! basketball sidelook!), 43 (just beautiful), 45 (THE BEER COASTER IS ON IT!), 47 (threesome fabulousness! and such a neat shot), 51-53 (MAAAAARC!), 60 (it's Xmas, okay, I can love something mushy! also, the roses win at life), 66 (OMG Jenny so gorgeous! *paws*), and I absolutely can't pick one of the Florian ones because they're all so much fun. Got some great expressions there!

And Sparklejenny! <333

Also I really like the entire range of Roman ones, there are some lovely moods that you don't often see captured.

Great job, Mystery Artist!!! *paws the pretties*
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