Hannah ([info]hannah_dee) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 21st, 2010 at 06:37 pm
For the Gift You'd Like To Receive:
Preferred Media(Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics):Anything other than Fic. I can’t make myself read let alone enjoy fic. IDK why.
3 to 5 Preferred Characters/Pairings: DeRo, Marc with anyone, Sparkly Bergmann sisters, MaJe pre-Özfail douchebaggery, RoFluff, CeRo (Ceramic stovetop, not Celine)(Or whatever the portmanRoman is [CeStRo? Sounds Italian, or like incest. Appropriate]), Moliver, Vanessa/anyone.
Things You Like: ROMAN’S DOOR(PIR)OUETTES. IDK, most things really.
Things You Don't Like/Squicks: The usual non-con stuff. Also, those videos which are basically every DeRo kiss EVARRR without any context or theme other than extreme shallow snoggery. Extreme fluff with no point to it. Uplifting pop songs/shouty self indulgent poetry set to guitar music loved by 14-year-old girls.
Characters/Pairings you absolutely do not want in your gift:Celine’s bench of woe, Richard unless his bling’s on show (not a euphemism), Stella.
Any scenarios or prompts not listed above (optional): Roman’s face on a stick is a bonus.


For the Gift You're Giving:
Media: (Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics)Icons/Vids/Fanmixes (cakes/portmanteaux). No Fic. For the good of everyone’s eyes and gag reflexes, no fic.
5 or more Characters/Pairings you'd prefer for your assignment:I’ll do anything with anyone.
Characters/Pairings you can not work with so don't you dare put them in my assignment:Not fussy, unless it involves Richard’s bum.
Squicks you can not write/draw/work with:Above.


Do you solemnly swear you will create a gift for another participant barring Killer Virus Quarantines and getting caught in a fire at the Fry Stand? (though that shouldn’t stop you guys, right?): I do! I can’t promise it’ll be any good, but I am willing to apologise using baked goods or make a rocking portmanteau and write it in pancake batter to make up for the disappointment.
Anything else we should know?: I am doing this because apparently amilee123 will cry if I don’t. Everyone blame her and Spaghettitoes for the extreme Twitter-tag-team peer pressure.
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