30 July 2010 @ 10:58 am
Icons are the thing!  

Before and during the icon challenge (which OMG you only have one day left to vote on GET A MOVE ON!) I was really into iconing and decided I would try and do it properly :P This is the result. I might even try more one day, when lappy co-operates and I master the time-space continuum!

Sugar and spice and all things semi-evil

They're all resting over at my journal, no hot-linking, hot-podding, steamed-pudding them or any of the things the experts like Shelly will tell you not to do. Although comments and opinions are welcomed as I is a learner. Unless your comment is WTF why so much Axel.


Current Location: Work
Current Mood: curious
Current Music: Radio - again! This a landmark week folks.