03 January 2012 @ 01:08 am
Fic: As Dire Chance And Fateful Cockup Would Have It (AWZ, DeRo, LeFlo)  
Title: As Dire Chance And Fateful Cockup Would Have It
Author: [info]aldiara
Fandom/Characters: Alles was zählt; Deniz, Roman, Lena, Florian, Alexander (yes, shush), Jenny
Word Count: ~4500 words
Rating: G
Warnings: Schmoop. Mentions of That Thing, though ruthlessly reinterpreted.
Summary: Roman makes it home in time for Christmas. Canine abduction, verbal abuse and terrible tree choices ensue.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to RTL.
A/N: For [info]momogermany.

Hey wow look, it's a fake cut!
Current Mood: dorky
03 January 2012 @ 10:02 pm
They Don't Bend Much (Femslash Ficathon)  
Title: They Don't Bend Much
Author: [info]amo_amas_amat
Fandom (pairing/characters): AWZ, Lena/Isabelle, Maximilian, Alexander
Rating: Mature? Twisted? Ridiculous?
Word Count: 1,225
Summary: Alexander's Barbies resemble Isabelle and Lena. His mother finds this disturbing.
Author's Note: Um, Barbie!fic. All my apologies. To explain, the combination of a Femslash Ficathon and a certain Scavanger Hunt requiring Monkeys to fall in love with Barbies ended in this. Put it this way, this is actually one of the less weird (and less public) things I've done with Barbies recently.
Beta'd by my lovely flatmate Sam because I have no shame. :D

Fic is here