09 November 2011 @ 07:02 am
.never make a sound.
[nina/vanessa. pg. 2429 words + 13 songs]
notes; bc we need more femslash in this fandom. HINT HINT HINT. also, for aldi because it was her birthday the other week and i missed it :c SORRY BB ILU, hope you had a great day <3333333333333333
warnings; none. except my use of 2nd person lololol.
summary; It was awkward, and clumsy, and real. At least until the lights came on again. Then it was a finger held to flushed lips. A secret you don't tell.
Current Mood: fucking freezing
Current Music: 18,000 lira - art brut
쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang
09 November 2011 @ 04:56 pm

EVERYONE GETS BANNERS!* If you were nominated for any of the categories, pick up your nomination banner and display it proudly because we are all winners, y/y! If you forgot what you were nominated for bc we took so long sorry sorry sorry we suck forever you can double check here for fic/vid/art stuff and here for icons. ON WITH THE RESULTS!

*Only the winning banners are personalized though because after you see the amount of ties we have, you will understand why I could not ask Fab and Rose to put their lives on hold to do an extra five million banners therefore runner-ups are sharing ok? But we love sharing in Fictional Essen y/y? <3

Promise there are better banners below thanks to Fab and Rose <33333. I just did that one for Aldi. )
09 November 2011 @ 10:50 pm
Title: Winter Kiss
Author: [info]giorgiakerr
Fandom: AWZ: VaNina, RoMarc, JeRo
Rating: G
Summary: Three little drabbles of winter kisses. Because it´s getting COLD, and I havge to turn that into something positive. Unadulterated fluff. I apologise.

Current Location: Seville, Spain!
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Music: The Police