29 March 2011 @ 10:57 pm
The Last Word  
Title: The Last Word
Characters: Jenny, Roman, mentions of Norman.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “Jenny & Norman - a tempestuous relationship built entirely on lust” - Roman and Jenny snipe at each other. Partly crack.
Warnings: mentions of kinky sex; bitching.
Author's Notes: Timeline: ep 493-494 (set after Deniz’s failed attempt to pick up Norman in the change rooms).
Hi! I’m timidly dipping my feet in this lovely fandom with my first fic (gah!). Let’s just pray the lj cut thing works (and the tagging thing). *deep breath* Here goes.
Word count: 298 words.
Disclaimer: RTL owns AWZ and everything associated with it.

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Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Lovefool - The Cardigans