18 October 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Fic: On The Damn Couch  
Almost forgot to post this over here...

Title: On the Damn Couch (birthday fic for [info]ktbob)
Author: [info]geekchick1013
Pairings/Characters: Deniz/Roman
Rating: R
Word count: ~2100
Summary: "I am not sleeping on that damn couch." "Who said anything about sleeping?"
Warnings: PWP (did I mention it's my first?), brief Drunk!Ingo
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: This is actually kind of a filler PWP, hopefully offering some explanation for the mysterious circumstances in ep 1008 surrounding why in the world Roman and Deniz would sleep on the WG couch when they live around the freakin' corner. (SPOILER: BECAUSE THEY GET DISTRACTED WITH SEXYTIEMS.)
Excellently betaed by [info]notoriouslyuniq, who continues to be infinitely awesome and patient when I frantically email her with something that needs to be betaed RIGHT NAO OMG. I love you more than words can say, and also I owe you ALL the blowjobs. *MWAH!*

Current Mood: devious