07 September 2010 @ 09:59 pm
Birthday present for the lovely [info]giorgiakerr  
Title: What She Came For
Pairings: Richard/Simone, Richard/Roman (Yes, again. *g*)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Summary: "She’d known Richard always had a certain affection for him, from the very start."
A/N: "Does Richard do sexytimes with everyone in the pool?" Oh, Giorgia. *sigh* You had to go and plant ideas in my head of a version of ep805 where Roman is in the pool with Richard, not Celine, didn't you? You just had to make me want to actually write fic about that, didn't you? THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU, GIORGIA! It isn't quite what I initially planned it to be, but at least I wrote something! (Apologies for the likely rubbishness. I abandoned it halfway through, and only managed to get back to it this evening. BUT I WAS DETERMINED TO FINISH IT ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. AND THAT'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE QUALITY OF THE RESULT, Y/Y? <33333)

What She Came For
Current Mood: accomplished
쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang
07 September 2010 @ 11:45 pm

Click for the rest at my journal.