02 September 2010 @ 10:37 am
Fic: Too Far  
I ****ING LOVE THIS FANDOM! It was the second largest contributor to this year's [info]bbtp_challenge, behind HP, of course. (See the masterlist here.) Not that it's a competition or anything (heh), but people, do you realise just how far this little fandom's come? How active it is, and how impressive that is? Every single one of you, whether you're iconning or writing or leaving fabulous comments or talking about Show in your journals, made this happen. You guys rock like sparkly rocking things!!

And I thought I'd post my [info]bbtp_challenge entry up here too...

Title: Too Far
Author: Lilith
Characters: Deniz Öztürk/Roman Wild, Lars Berger
Summary: He knew it was really fucked up to listen to his flatmates fucking each other.
Word Count: 2000 words
Rating (highlight for warnings): NC-17; *fisting, voyeurism, exhibitionism, surly alcoholic grumblings*
Disclaimer: I own nothing of value except a really smelly dog and a bitchy cat. Want them?
A/N: Finally, the sling-fic that has been teasing me for ages. Sloppy kisses to the fabulous [info]aldiara who, as always, cleans up my random tenses, makes it clear whose body part goes where, and generally makes writing worthwhile.

Too Far

Note: This is NOT DeRoMarc! I accidentally clicked that tag and now IJ refuses to let me take it out, no matter what I try. So sorry, Marc, you miss out on the fun this time. Blame Canada.
02 September 2010 @ 04:18 pm
Fanfic: Repossession (Deniz/Roman)  
OMG, comm, I KNOW. It's OTP fic. In this fandom, that's about as uncouth as it gets *drunkenly rolls in over-inflated sense of own pervy*

Title: Repossession
Author: [info]aldiara
Fandom/Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Deniz/Roman
Word Count: 2600 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: *Mild breathplay* [highlight to read]
Summary: Deniz wants to do everything at once.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to RTL, who I usually sneer and bitch at, but after they released this, I have no quarrel with them whatsoever *blisses*
A/N: Scrawled in a last-minute panic for the [info]bbtp_challenge (sometimes living in the future SUCKS). Everlasting thanks to my wonderful brainthird [info]lilithilien for a fabulous beta (and for generally making my life awesome)! Also, yes, I am aware that Ingo was probably still wearing his jacket at the time, but IDGAF. I'm a vindictive bitch and he deserves *clink* come stains for his sucky behaviour lately.

Current Mood: accomplished