25 July 2010 @ 10:31 am
AHHHHHHH ROSE LOOK WHAT U MADE ME DO!? I wanted to contribute to the wild/steinkamp ficathon thingy (have i told u yet that i love u for starting this!!!!?!) eeeeeeee! well yes ILU... at the same time it has warped my brain! Dude ..seriously warped!!!!

I would have liked to have written some fic, but trust me u do not want to read my fic --I SUCK! So instead here, have some fanart...

(this is just a little something i played around with so pls dont expect too much ok!! :)

Richard & Roman fanart this way
Current Mood: amused
25 July 2010 @ 11:51 pm
A humble offering for the ficathon. Um, yay?  
Title: Breakfast Can Wait
Pairing: Richard/Roman
Rating: This became quite pervy in my head, but smut isn't in my repertoire, so the written version is PG-ish. I'M NOT SURE WHETHER I SHOULD BE APOLOGISING FOR THAT OR NOT.
Word Count: 480
Summary: "The sun catches in Roman's hair and illuminates his skin, and Richard can barely contain the urge to wake him and discover if he tastes different in the early morning."
A/N: So... I take no responsibility for anything about this. I was half asleep when I wrote it, and Richard and Roman basically forced me into it when I was too weak to resist. But have it anyway, since me actually finishing a fic is something remarkable! *g*

"You can disturb me any time!"
Current Mood: sleepy