01 July 2010 @ 12:11 pm
Cracky commentfic (OMG, self, what?)  
Title: According to Plan
Author: [info]aldiara
Fandom/Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Marc
Word Count: 290 words (commentfic)
Rating: Uhm. G?
Warnings: *Uhm, murder. But in a cracky way! (that makes it ok, right?)* [highlight to read]
Summary: Marc knew he would never win Roman's heart as himself. After all, he was the past and Deniz was the future and he was not hot and Deniz was SO CUTE and the PERFECT BOYFRIEND. This had been confirmed by focus groups. So there was only one thing to do, really.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nothing, nothing.
A/N: Hahahahah, omg. Okay. So someone on YouTube was all "Marc, when are you going to learn that you are no Deniz Öztürk???", which had me crack up as I imagined Marc trying to impersonate Deniz and then [info]praderwilli was all "Fanfic bitte?" and I was all, "Oh fucking hell, why not", so... WILLI, YOU CUNNING FOX, THIS IS FOR YOU. And then [info]sdk came along and hyena'd at me and commanded me to post somewhere linkable and I cannot deny her, so... lololol. (Also, if someone were to photoshop Marc trying to look like Deniz, I would be their willing slavegirl for life.)

(Crack is here)
Current Mood: crazy
01 July 2010 @ 04:35 pm
More fic...MOAR!  
(sheesh, anyone would think we were trying to distract ourselves or something)

Title:  Forfeit
Author:  Spaghettitoes
Rating:  PG-13 (pretty-much because I fear you won't agree with my shipping!)
Word Count:  ~1300
Ship(s):  Dringo (work it out yourselves!), suggestions of MaJe, Jaxel and Anningo
Warnings:  *spells* D-r....I-N-G-O (no not Oliver!), tech AU/hopeful-prediction of things to come
Summary:  Ingo's created a new hockey team!  Despite management's lack of enthusiasm for the endeavour they have enjoyed success.  
A/N:  I have been waiting MONTHS to find some way of putting these guys together and it finally happened last week!  For some reason while I innocently discussed this with wifey she expressed the desire for Ingo to give the other party (please don't tell me you're still working it out!) a lapdance. (well, that's Pet for you!)

Current Location: Workity work
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Yelling in the corridor