16 June 2010 @ 03:07 pm
NDFUG: In The Blood  
Author: Spaghettitoes
Title: In The Blood
Rating: PG-15
Cautions: If you've seen any half decent horror film from the 70s you're fine, if not you could be weirded out by the child. Slight spoilery implied for a beloved cast member.
Characters: Celine, Oliver.
Disclaimer: I have no association with or influence over RTL or AWZ....this is probably a very good example of why.
A/N: I like horror and forget that there are a host of people out there who don't. To someone like me this is a relatively innocuous S/L and of everything this challenge is producing I doubt this is the scariest.

*sinister piano music* )
Current Location: The Office
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: tappity-tap