쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang
26 April 2010 @ 11:04 pm

I never announced any results from that poll the other day (whoops!), but because no one said they would mind if I pushed back the deadline and a couple of people needed the extra time, Nominations will be accepted through Wednesday Midnight EDT. I should still be able to get the post together on schedule and voting will still start this Saturday! IS EVERYONE EXCITED? YES? YOU SHOULD BE.

Also, to the people who've asked if they could nominate SEXY Banners for best banner and such...uhm. I GUESS? LOL. It seems a bit meta to me, but IF SHOW CAN DO IT, SO CAN WE! So nominate your fav SEXY banner, that's fine!

Also, slightly completely unrelated, but May is National Masturbation Month where I'm from. If anyone needs fic ideas. *cough* Just saying.

ETA: Also, I believe I've replied to everyone who directly emailed me nominations, so if you didn't get confirmation from me, please double check to make sure I got them.
Current Mood: embarrassed