Christine ([info]spaghettitoes) wrote in [info]no7_awz on June 22nd, 2010 at 03:22 pm
NDFUG: Once Upon a Time...
Title: Once Upon a Time
Author:  Spaghettitoes
Rating: fact, I'm holding talks with Disney at this very moment!
Cautions: Pft only if you are afraid of happy endings and the good-guys winning.
Characters:  Celine/Richard, Simone/Richard,
Summary:  Despite what Roman says, life is a fairytale.
A/N:  This contains graphics so could tax your connection a little.  Just waiting for my straight-jacket :)

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

*sniffles*  If you want to, please feel free to blame this bug I've caught :( *feels sorry for self*
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