No Man's Land: San Francisco- The OOC Forum

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No Man's Land: San Francisco- The OOC Forum

"Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed."


March 25th, 2012

Meme #2: Sweet Dreams

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Dreams are difficult enough to understand. They range from embarrassing, to frightening, to thought-provoking, to just plain nonsensical. You may find yourself wondering what that was all about, or trying to forget about it as quickly as you can. It may be close enough to reality to confuse you, or dream logic may prevail. Whatever the case, the world of dreams is a way to delve into your psyche and deal with what happened to you that day, your fears, and whatever's on your mind.

Except... what's that person doing there?

How It Works:

~ Roll the RNG 1-6 for your situation, from the list below. That's the type of dream your character is having. Or, just pick the one you like the best.
~ Post the following in the subject line: [CHARACTER NAME: SITUATION: OPEN (or feel free to tag someone)]
~ The replier has found themselves in your character's dream, able to interact freely.
~ Reply to open tags and threads! Remember, these are DREAMS, so it doesn't matter if A and B would NEVER go candy shopping together. In A's dream they are! So go with it guys! You don't HAVE to go with it, but sometimes it could be fun!
~ Have fun and go crazy! None of this goes into play UNLESS ALL PARTIES agree to it. <3

Sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree? )
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