The Ninkasi

where the food and drink are LOL free

The Ninkasi


August 10th, 2009

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Sarah steps into the Ninkasi with a little grin, leading a pair of Edwards over to a less-occupied area of the bar. Today was her birthday, and Goddamn if she wasn't going to take advantage of that! (Not too much, of course--hangovers don't sound like a pleasant experience.)

She turns to her companions. "Over here alright with you guys?"

April 4th, 2008

Warning spoiler potential for Series Finale

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It had been a while since John had felt the need for a drink. But, he was feeling it right down in his bones.
It had been a rough week. He walked into Ninkasi, sat at the bar and ordered, a single finger of whiskey on the rocks.
He had no intension of heavy drinking.
He had no intension of thinking of his eye candy, or his dimensions eye candy.
He had no intension to think at all.
Yet, it seemed hard to avoid.
He sighed deeply crossing his arms on the bar and leaning his head down.

February 7th, 2008


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Ianto wanders into the Ninkasi, smiling politely at the waitresses and waiters. After taking a seat at the far corner of the bar, he places an order with bar staff. He likes to come here and just relax for a bit at the end of the day.

January 23rd, 2008

Lost Boy? Lost man....

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"I knew I shouldn't have trusted the Doctor to drop me back" muttered jack walking into the bar, the word Lost virtually written on his forehead. "Hey?" he called softly "Uh sorry but, anyone know the way back to Cardiff?". He walked further in deciding to take a seat at the bar, maybe have a beer before he headed back. Perhpas most importantly find out where he was, and why, maybe how too. It would depend on how handy the bar man wasn't.

August 20th, 2007

Job Interviews

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There is a nice lull at the Ninkasi. It's the middle of the afternoon, too late for the lunch rush and too early for the dinner rush. There are a few customers, but since its early Rik doesn't have to worry about mixing the drinks. He'd like to use the lull to be be out and visit with customers, but he knows if he doesn't get some of the actual work done now, it won't get done now.

For now, he's busy with the books at the bar. Its a compromise, he can visit with anyone who sits at the bar while working at the books. He can also keep an eye on everything and be close at hand in case he is needed, which is likely to be the case, because he still doesn't have as many employees as he would like to have.

July 18th, 2007


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Needing to get out of her apartment for a while, she had heard about this new place in the Nexus and decided to give it a try. Sure, she might end up drinking alone, but she'd brought a notebook with her to work on writing a letter. Two letters actually, but which one would be more difficult to write it was hard to say.

Finding a spot at the bar, she ordered herself a glass of Amarone and took up a pen to begin writing. Two glasses later, she hadn't even managed to get a full sentence down on paper.

July 17th, 2007

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After a few months of laying low, Mustang decides its time to get out for a bit. It helps that there hasn't been any sign of Gran for a while or anyone else they had to worry about.

He'd heard about the new bar/restaurant and figured that Riza deserved a little romance. A trip in a few days before, ensures that they have a private table for two out of the way and bottle of wine.

"Here we are" he says as he guides Riza into the Ninkasi.

July 3rd, 2007


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The Bar is Open for any RPing that you would like to do!!

Have fun!!

June 28th, 2007

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