Saturday, April 26th, 2014

Who: Antoinette, Davey, and (Open to "her" boys)
When: Saturday, 4/26, early afternoon
Where: Kitchens
What: Baking, talking, stuff?
Rating/Warnings: None yet
Status: {Open, incomplete}
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Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Who: Davey and Antoinette
When: Sunday after dinner
Where: Davey's Bed
What: Fallout from their hookup with Galen and Trish
Rating/Warnings: Two cuddling friends crossed lines. Things happened.
Status: {Closed, Complete}
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Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Who: *ahem* Galen, Antoinette, Trish & Davey
What: ... Galen has no idea what he is walking into.
When: Wednesday [predated], after classes.
Where: Hufflepuff Tower, common room.
Rating: ............. TBD
Status: Incomplete... closed.
Note: .... Lets do short 1 para replies... you know, to keep it going nicely... which is basically a reminder for me to not get wordy...

Is this what you do in your free time, girls? Attack some poor unsuspecting bloke? )
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Friday, March 28th, 2014

Who: Davey and Antoinette
When: After the threesome thing/Davey's discussion with Seb
Where: Hufflepuff 6th year boys' dorm
What: Cuddles and cute
Rating/Warnings: Sugary sweetness?
Status: {closed, complete}
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Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Who: Luka & Antoinette
What: Comforting a friend.
When: Right after this.
Where: Outside the library, heading outside the castle.
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete, closed.

I... I can't breathe. )
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Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Who: Davey and Antoinette
When: Saturday
Where: Hufflepuff
What: Potions Plot
Rating/Warnings: They are CHILL.
Status: {Closed, Complete}
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Friday, March 7th, 2014

Who: Antoinette and Luka
When: March 7, evening (after his journal)
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Just cuddles and stuff?
Rating/Warnings: None most likely
Status: {Closed/Incomplete}
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Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Who: Antoinette and Davey
When: Backdated - Friday 21 February
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Snuggling
Rating/Warnings: They're just friends.
Status: {Closed, Complete}
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Who: Hufflepuff House!
When: Saturday Night
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Cathal's birthday and he's organised his own party. He's baked his cake and bribed the house elves to give extra food, so it should be a good one, he thinks.
Rating/Warnings: None yet!
Status: Open to Hufflepuffians/Incomplete

It was probably a bit of a sad thing, sorting out your own birthday party, but Cathal didn't care, really. )
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Monday, February 24th, 2014

Who: Luka Albu, Sébastien & Antoinette Smith.
When: Monday, after classes.
Where: The Kitchens
What: Toinette's coup d'état.
Rating/Warnings: Low?
Status: Closed/Incomplete

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Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

Who: Sébastien & Antoinette Smith
When: Saturday, 22 February
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room → 7th year boys dorm.
What: Siblings being siblings. Also good food.
Rating/Warnings: G. Adorableness?
Status: Closed/Complete

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