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Back May 5th, 2009 Forward
Wanted/Needed Characters?

I was talking to someone on my LJ about the game and she asked me if we had a Wanted/Needed characters list. I couldn't recall or find one in the comm. This made Mylia gleeful as it gave her something to think about today. (Something that is actually more productive than usual)

So, comment here with the characters you would like to see show up in the game and we'll compile a list and link it.

Erik Lensherr/Magneto and Jean Grey/Phoenix are not eligible for this as they will be mod-controlled characters.

Obviously, Charles Xavier/Professor X is deceased, so not going to be in the game unless the mods need to do so for plotty reasons.

Wanted Characters )

Charies 2 and 3...

iHola mis amigos!

Alej here...

So apparantly because I'm terrible at being on hiatus and stuff I bring to you two more charies.

First Amara Aquilla AKA Magma. From canon with the ability to conjure fire as well as taking on a full magma form and immunity to fire.

And Adalene Rios. She's an OC with the ability to shapeshift. At the moment she isn't affiliated with the X-men but hopefully soon she'llbe a resident and help out. Though she also goes by Sophia Milon and Veronica Tatou. Since she is a shapeshifter I was wondering if I could borrow icons of your charies? Though if you'd rather I don't I promise she won't ever shapeshift into your charie. :)

So please add [info]magmaaquilla and [info]_mirrorxmirror_ to your friends. :)

As for me I'll be back officially on thursday. Though as a heads up Rogue will be e-mailing Jubilee and Scot tomorrow for info/ride back. I might post something for her too from Mississippi in her journal. Though Amara and Adalene won't officially be in until thrusday I'm always up for plotting. My aim is adanesne2 for those who don't know it already, hit me up whenever! :)


Back May 5th, 2009 Forward