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Back April 15th, 2009 Forward

It's Chris again, with another character. Say hello to Damien Creed, aka Rancour. Yeah, another Creed spawn. He's a Genosha resident, and a member of the Brotherhood. Because we need those. He's not the nicest of people, but he is civil, and won't eviscerate you so long as you aren't a tool.

Also, if you haven't noticed, we have introduced the use of tags in the main community. Don't worry about tagging your entries; I'll be taking care of this myself. This way, if you want to track posts with a certain character, you won't have to dig through all the entries to find them.

If you need to be added to any of the communities, let me know and I'll add you. I know IJ's a little wonky when it comes to requesting to join a community, and damn, does that suck. But anyway, leave me a comment if you need adding. I'll try to get this done tomorrow, when I'm not about to fall asleep at the computer.

Yes, I realize that the community's been a little slow as of late. Some of us have been having issues in real life, and thus, all creative processes have disappeared. I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to be afraid to post, even if it's just in your character's personal journal.

We do have some major plots coming up. Currently, we have mutants being pulled off the streets left and right, but no one knows who's doing this, or why. Needless to say, they're not nice people - ask Brenna. This is all going somewhere, trust me. We'll let you know what's really happening a little closer to the big reveal itself. ;)

If you guys need to get in contact with me personally, my e-mail is, and my AIM is trustyoutokillme.

Also, I'm going to be posting a FAQ, with extra, misc. info for the game pretty soon. If anyone has any questions they'd like answered, please let me know.

Pyro [userpic]

Hi all,

I'm the newbie :) Name's Mands and I will be playing your resident troublemaker and also somewhat of a... well, for lack of a better word, pyromaniac :). I'm sure I don't have to say it, but I will, I'll be playing John Allerdyce aka Pyro. He is primarily based off of the movie version with some of my own canon thrown in. He's... challenging, that much I can say. Also? I'd like to apologise in advance because it is a sure thing that he'll offend your characters one way or another.

I look forward to getting involved with the game and of course getting to know all the characters and the players behind them. It's been a while since I was last involved in an X-Men game, but I'm looking forward to getting my teeth (not literally) into the genre again.

I can be located at mandsangelfox on AIM and my email is: I'm based within the UK, but I have the weirdest body clock ever, especially on weekends. During the week I'm available from about 6pm to about 1:30 am and on the weekends I'm not working I'm available till... well, whenever. I don't need a lot of sleep, yay play!

Mylia will be able to tell you loads more about me I'm sure as we've played in other games together :) In fact it was through my first X-Men game that I actually met her!

Nice to meet you all!


P.S. His journal is [info]controlledburn and his PB is Aaron Stanford.

Current Mood: bouncy


Okay, so I'm the other newbie. My name's Willow and I'm stepping into the snowy shoes of Bobby Drake, resident popsicle, at [info]thebigfreeze.

Looking forward to taking part in the game and getting involved with the characters and all the players pulling the strings ;) I'm so glad to have finally found a game to join!

As for my contact info, I can be found on AIM at estelwillow and over email at I am also UK based, but I rather favour the nocturnal habits and I'm always around and always willing to write!

Any questions, feel free to ask, I'm so excited! Yay!

- Willow

Current Mood: excited
Back April 15th, 2009 Forward