April 27th, 2012

[info]snagssouls in [info]nextdoorooc

So I've got two open posts and neither of them are answered. So would anyone like to interact with my girls? I know they're girls and not many play with them, but well I'd actually like to play. I don't want to have to give them up.


[info]grizzled_bear in [info]nextdoorooc

*sigh* I should know better by now. As soon as I post on the OOC comm, I end up making someone ELSE. Gah.

This is Gabriel 'Gabe' Cooper. Known to his regulars as 'Coop'. He runs the supernatural bar Dead Until Dark - it's vamp-heavy, but weres and other supernaturals are all welcome. If any of you are following the murder plotline, this is the were bear that Justice and Jason were chatting to. *grins*

SO YES. New character, and a new venue for your muses to visit! Dead Until Dark's a bit of a dive, but the beer's cold, the food's good, and Gabe always has a smile and a friendly ear ready. Open 'til 1am every night, so feel free to have your muses drop in any time. :)

Jen x