April 25th, 2012

[info]talkwiththemoon in [info]nextdoorooc

So it's occured to me that I should probably introduce all my characters. Since I've started sneaking them into the game and hoping no one notices my addiction. XD

So, you lot already know about:

Lex the comic book store proprietor ([info]g33kboy)
Carr the werewolf mechanic ([info]lupine_scot)
Katee the manic fire elemental ([info]girlsgotspark)
Nathan the club manager empath ([info]ligatus_sum)
Justice the were barn owl cop ([info]talkwiththemoon)

The three I've not formally introduced, though they've all now had threads:
Noriko Takara (Izumi's mom), editor ([info]lawful_child)
Artemis Boone, newly-cursed were mountain lion and hunter ([info]of_the_hunt)
Sam Conroy, water elemental and photography student ([info]snaphappysam)

Then there's my newest, a vampire who'll be making an appearance very shortly:
Ciaran Smith, new arrival in DC ([info]illfavoredson)

If any of these guys catch your eye, plotwise - or you're just curious about them - let me know. :D Either here, or on AIM (atraflamma).

And I'm not even going to try promising that I won't make anyone else. *EPIC FACEPALM*