April 6th, 2012

[info]ex_buggertha90 in [info]nextdoorooc

Jewels again. I lied about Daniel Craig. Instead it's Paul Bettany. You're welcome.

Anyway, this is probably my last one. Probably.

Andrew Gates is a vampire. He's kind of on the lazy side. In fact he doesn't have a job. He used to be a teacher, but well that's too much work now. Uh, he can be kind of snarky, but he's a good listener. His sister Rachel is his sire. She'll remain NPC for now unless someone wants to play her. Let's see. He's not a mass murdering fuck head, but he doesn't hate who he is either. He's just like a well-rounded vampire. He doesn't have a lot of issues. Imagine that. Oh and he likes drinking from supernaturals more than humans. But if anyone wants to be his little toy, he promises he's really nice. Mostly. He wouldn't abuse anyone. I don't think.

Anyway, I'm rambling and he's open for all the plots. So if you want one, just let me know. Same goes for [info]rlandry and [info]snagssouls