March 13th, 2012

[info]ligatus_sum in [info]nextdoorooc

Hello again!

Jen here, with my second character. (Yes, it's an addiction. Nope, I don't care...)

This is Nathan, who is broken in many, many ways. He's an extremely powerful empath, who can either absorb or magnify emotions around him. His own emotions are very subdued as a result, unless he makes an effort to seem more 'normal' by absorbing someone else's.

He's been badly-treated for the past few years, so he's a tad twitchy. But if you'd like your character to run into him, let me know and we can plot :D I'm reachable either on gchat (cryogenicwings at gmail dot com) or AIM (atraflamma).

And of course, if anyone wants to play with Lex, either, he's always around.