February 27th, 2012

[info]snagssouls in [info]nextdoorooc

Hello, I'm new! My name is Jewels and I'm bringing you Faye, who is a reaper. Um, let's see. I'm 30, I've got a degree in psychology and I live just outside of DC myself.

About Faye. She died almost a hundred years ago, at the age of 30 by some nutter jamming her with a dentist drill in the head. Poor thing. She had a daughter and a husband and technically she's got a bunch of descendants she can't see.

She's got a big heart, she likes to help people. If you need something, anything, ask her and she'll do it for you. No matter who you are. She's also a nurse at both the human hospital and the supernatural clinic. Though she kind of pushes people away because she figures she's dead and people would freak out at that, even though she'd do anything to have a family again.

Anyway, she looks forward to playing with you guys and so do I :)