Mar. 30th, 2010


Private Email to Laine from Emily

To: [info]lainec
From: [info]embernstein

I saw your boyfriend in National Enquirer the other day. Apparently he claims he's the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard?

I still have no idea why you would ever want to have sex with that guy, no matter how many purses he buys you.


Mar. 5th, 2010


The Anticlimactic Reunion of the Exes...and Pete's Saying Laine's a Golddigger

Hanging up his apron, Pete breathed a sigh of relief. Things were slowing down at the moment - and he got to have a little bit of a break before he went back in to finish up after hours for the night. Making his way to the bar, he stopped in tracks at the site of a brunette perched on a stool, texting furiously. A brunette that he would have recognized anywhere in the world.

Chill, Black. It's been four years. Surely she's - less pissed?

Oh who was he kidding. This was Laine Cummings, who would hold a grudge til her death. But she was there and who was he not to acknowledge her?

Making his way slowly over to her, he grabbed the stool next to her. "The usual, Steve," he said, giving the bartender a tired grin. "And another for the lady."

Feb. 27th, 2010


Private Email from Greer to Laine

To: [info]lainec
From: [info]glamgreer


You know I love you, bitch, but you are completely dropping the ball on this roommate - maid of honour thing. I need your measurements so I know if this Vera Wang bridesmaid dress I'm looking at is going to work out. It is extremely imperative.

Also, I really need you to spend an evening at home with me soon. I am terrified the freakishly loud noseblower from downstairs is going to come up and murder me while I flip through photographers' portfolios any day now.

Much love,


Private Email From Laine to Her Dad

From: [info]lainec

Dear Dad,

Times have been tough since you made me get a job. Unfortch, I find myself rather low in funds shopping and dining at Butter will do that. So I'm asking you to be the kind and generous and rich! father I know you are and please provide me with some money to tide me over. Like a loan that I'll never pay you back for.

I really do need the money for shoes groceries.

I love you, Daddy. But please get a less lame email address.

Your loving daughter,

Jan. 15th, 2010


As the elevator doors opened, Emily stifled a yawn as she lazily slung her bag over her shoulder. It was Friday evening after work, and since Pete was working the late shift at Balthazar, she didn't feel like being alone for the rest of the night. Scrolling through her contact list, she finally settled on Laine's number and quickly texted her.

you busy tonight? i want ippudo

Jan. 3rd, 2010


A Gay Old Time. Snort.

Andi let out a quiet huff - and repressed the urge to throw the skyscraper heel she was holding in her left hand at the wall - as she gazed at herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. Throwing the heels is a bad idea. You don't want to dent your wall. Breathe.

Instead of denting the wall, she slide out of the right shoe and performed a small turn in front of the mirror to reassure herself that at least her ass looked great in her jeans. Sure, it sucked that it was winter and therefore ridiculously cold and therefore she had to wear jeans out to keep from freezing her ass off making her way to Bungalow - but at least her ass looked hot while being unfrozen. If only every pair of shoes she owned didn't make her look like a sixteen year old scene kid... when they were so cute with her little dresses normally! I need a pair of over-the-knee boots. Which means a trip to up--

"Augh!" Andi jumped, her shoe flying out of her hand and hitting the wall anyway, at the sound of a loud, harsh knocking at her bedroom door. Which, of course, wasn't closed properly - because when there was a man in the apartment, even if he was just a friend, one always left the door a sliver open- and flew open at the force. Frig, Bukeman!